Exeter is part of a UK-wide consortium led by UUK and Jisc to negotiate access to content to support the University’s vision for learning and teaching, supporting an open research culture. Together, we are seeking a national deal which constrains costs and provides full and immediate open access to UK research.  

The University Library subscribes to Springer Nature Research Journals through the Jisc negotiated national deal. Our subscription expires at the end of 2022; Jisc are currently negotiating a new agreement.  

The negotiations are sector-led involving senior academic leaders and Jisc. Universities are negotiating with Springer Nature through two representative groups: the UUK / Jisc Content Negotiation Strategy Group and the Jisc Content Expert Group. 

The principles that guide the negotiations: 

  1. Cost constraint, and ultimately cost reduction 

  1. Transitional, breaking from legacy publishing models and ensuring a greater proportion of research is made Open Access 

  1. Compliant, with funder mandates and policy on Open Research 

  1. Transparent, to articulate what public money pays for and why 

  1. Effective, improving the workflows of publishers, researchers and libraries 

Details are at www.jisc.ac.uk/springer-nature-negotiations. The core aims of the negotiations are to provide full and immediate open access to UK research, to advance author's rights and to reduce and constrain costs. So far SpringerNature has not made an offer which meets the sector’s requirements. At a national level, we take part in regular meetings with Jisc, providing opinion and feedback. 

If an agreement for a new deal cannot be reached it is possible (but not guaranteed) that we will lose access to SpringerNature journals.  We are assessing alternative access arrangements for the material you need in your teaching and research. We remain positive that a good deal can be achieved but we are preparing in case negotiations stall. Last year we had negotiations with Elsevier for a new deal and made similar preparations, which in the end were not needed. 

Your liaison librarian is the best first point of contact if you want to know more. We held an open meeting for all staff to discuss the negotiations on Thursday 3rd of November. Slides from the session are available here. We will continue to post any further updates here.