We welcome offers of donations to the University of Exeter Special Collections.
Unfortunately we are not able to accept every offer of donation. The guidance below explains more about what we collect and our decision-making process.
General principles for donations
We do not collect:
Step one - Offer
Step two – Assessment
Step three – Transfer of ownership
Step four – Processing
The stewardship of our collections requires significant investment. If you are willing to provide financial or other support for our work, it is especially helpful and welcome, and we are happy to discuss options.
See the University pages on:
- Making a donation
- Leaving a legacy in your will.
Paper trails: Authors’ archives and papers - 19 September 2024
Recording of a Society of Authors event. Aimed at both authors thinking about their literary papers and authors using literary archives, SoA Contracts Advisors, Sarah Baxter and Tilly Zeeman offer tips about finding, approaching and donating to archives, as well as basic, practical advice about the preservation and depositing of physical and digital materials
Authors & their Papers - 2015
Guidance sheet produced by the Group for Literary Archives and Manuscripts in consultation with The National Archives. A word version can be downloaded on the linked site
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