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Black History Collection: Resources

Explore a selection of the Black history resources available to you via the university library. 

The online collections provide a variety of primary source materials and secondary sources on Black history. We also hold a fascinating collection of archives and books in our own Special and Heritage Collections that relate to the diverse histories, experiences, stories and voices of Black people.

Discover more books in our collections on...
Anti-Racism     Black History     Black British Authors 

Black History databases

Use the tabs to discover the different online databases available to you.

To access the full range of databases, use the Database A-Z List.

Newspaper Collections
African American Historical Newspapers

Black newspapers were on the frontlines of the civil rights movement. Organizing boycotts and nationwide protests, fighting discriminatory housing and employment practices, launching community clean-up campaigns, and advocating for improved health services for minorities, they gave voice and strength to communities often ignored by other media. The newspapers in this collection provide unique perspectives on local, national, and international events:

This is the strongest area of Black History in our online collections. Collections include primary source materials relating to key figures in the US Civil Rights Movement, Civil Rights organisations as well as US government surveillance, monitoring and event reports.

Civil Rights organisations
Key figures
A full list of primary sources collections relating to enslaved people and the slave trade can be found in the Slavery and the Slave Trade Primary Sources page.

Finding Resources using Library Search

Library Search

Search for textbooks, ebooks, journals, articles + more. Library Search LibGuide available for guidance.

You can use a range of different search terms to discover research material related to black history.  Terminology has changed over time and differing terms are used in different countries and at different times in history.

For example, in the UK, the terms BME (Black Minority Ethnic) and BAME (Black, Asian and Ethnic Minorities) have been widely used, but are also widely criticised..

You can try the terms black or african american plus a country/region or subject topic, 

e.g. black music or african american employment

You can also search for specific topics such as race relations, slavery, racial anthropology, civil rights movement, etc.

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