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- EUL MS 44 Gale and Morant family papers and plantation records - The Gale and Morant family owned sugar plantations in Jamaica that used the forced labour of enslaved people of African and Caribbean descent to produce sugar and rum.
- EUL MS 44/1/a, EUL MS 44/1/b, and EUL MS 44/1/e contain correspondence concerning the effect of the American War of Independence on many estates in the British West Indies. Content Advice: This file includes items relating to enslavement, as well as offensive terms or terms that have changed meaning over time. In some cases these terms are included in our catalogue descriptions in order to provide information about the content and nature of the source.
- EUL MS 207/7 Du Maurier Family Papers - Guy du Maurier, the uncle of writer Daphne du Maurier, was a soldier and playwright that served in the Second Boer War in South Africa.
- EUL MS 370/1 Personal and Literary Papers of Glencairn Balfour-Paul - Hugh Glencairn Balfour-Paul was Ambassador to Iraq, Jordan and Tunisia. His father, J.W. Balfour-Paul, served in the Second Boer War and the collection contains correspondence from his active service in 1900.
- EUL MS 370/1 Personal and Literary Papers of Glencairn Balfour-Paul - Hugh Glencairn Balfour-Paul was a British Arabist and Ambassador to Iraq, Jordan and Tunisia. His father, J.W. Balfour-Paul, served in the First World War, and the collection contains 21 letters from J.W. Balfour-Paul to his father and mother written on active service, 1917-18.
- EUL MS 43 Henry Williamson papers - Henry Williamson was a writer most famous for his books 'Tarka the Otter' and 'Salar the Salmon'. Williamson served in the First World War and witnessed the Christmas Truce in the Western Front trenches. His correspondence files (EUL MS 43/PERS/1) include letters from notable war poets and other writers. Williamson also wrote an account of a soldier's experience of the First World War, 'The Patriot's Progress' (EUL MS 43/LIT/1/32).
- EUL MS 50b and EUL MS 82 Literary and personal papers of Frances Bellerby - Frances Bellerby's brother died in the First World War, and this experience influenced her writing. Her best-known novel, 'Hath the Rain a Father?' (1946) addresses the social and psychological consequences of bereavement after the First World War, and this is the focus of a number of stories in her three collections: 'Come to an End and other Stories' (1939), 'The Acorn and the Cup with other Stories' (1948), and 'A Breathless Child and other Stories' (1952).
- EUL MS 389 Syon Abbey Archive - in particular community diaries (EUL MS 389/ADM/5) for 1914-1918 and correspondence and papers concerning the First World War and rationing (EUL MS 389/COR/2/2)
- EUL MS 435 Cecil Harmsworth archive - Cecil Harmsworth MP, kept regular diaries from 1900-1948, documenting the social and political impacts of the First and Second World Wars. His collection also contains papers relating to food and rationing between 1917-1918 (EUL MS 435/2/29), official documents related to armaments (EUL MS 435/2/26), and the papers of his wife, Lady Emilie Harmsworth (EUL MS 435/6/3), include records of her training and qualification as a nurse during the First World War.
- EUL MS 209 First and Second World War Postcard Album Belonging to Professor Chris Brooks
- EUL MS 430 Transcripts of Letters from Hugh Creek During the First World War
- EUL MS 449 Letters from student John Saunders during the Exeter Blitz
- EUL MS 33 Japanese WW2 anti-British propaganda cartoons
- EUL MS 43 Henry Williamson papers - Henry Williamson was a writer most famous for his books 'Tarka the Otter' and 'Salar the Salmon'. After his experiences in the First World War, Williamson became an outspoken supporter of German reform and British fascism, which led to his being briefly interned at the start of the Second World War.
- EUL MS 50a Papers of Charles Causley - Causley served as a coder in the Royal Navy during the Second World War, and his experiences influenced his writing, including his most well known book of poetry, 'Farewell, Aggie Weston'.
- EUL MS 68 Jack Clemo literary and personal papers - Jack Clemo was a Cornish poet and writer. Although he did not serve in the Second World War, Clemo kept regular diaries from 1935-1994 and mentioned the war throughout.
- EUL MS 69 Hanna Reitsch testimony regarding the last days of Adolf Hitler (typescript copy)
- EUL MS 99 Agatha Christie business papers - The correspondence files are of particular interest, with 'Correspondence 1940 ' (EUL MS 99/1/1940) including references to the war and its influence on Christie's writing.
- EUL MS 103 Flora Thompson papers: letters to Arthur and Anna Ball - letters from Thompson to Arthur Ball, poet, and also to his wife Anna, containing much domestic news, with additional glimpses of Thompson at work under wartime conditions.
- EUL MS 389 Syon Abbey Archive - in particular community diaries (EUL MS 389/ADM/5) for 1939-1945 and correspondence and papers concerning the Second World War (EUL MS 389/COR/2/4)
- EUL MS 435 Cecil Harmsworth archive - Cecil Harmsworth MP, kept regular diaries from 1900-1948, documenting the social and political impacts of the First and Second World Wars. Harmsworth's papers also include references to war damage in London (EUL MS 435/5/9).
- EUL MS 495 Reminiscences book of 'Six Momentous Years' by Rowland Glave Saunders - a book of reminiscences of Exeter between 1938 and 1944 by Rowland Glave Saunders, Mayor of Exeter.
- EUL MS 42 Spencer Cecil Carpenter Papers: Sermon Notes and Newscuttings - includes sermons preached at Exeter during the Second World War.
- EUL MS 209 First and Second World War postcard album belonging to Professor Chris Brooks
- EUL MS 143 Professional Papers of Jonathan Crusoe Relating to Iraq and Kuwait - Jonathan Crusoe was born in Kuwait and was a journalist for the 'Middle East Economic Digest', specialising in Iraq from 1979-1991. His papers include references to the Iran-Iraq War and post-war reconstruction, including EUL MS 143/4, EUL MS 143/1/1.
- EUL MS 377 Robin Bidwell Papers - Dr Robin Bidwell was a Middle East Scholar who specialised in French and British colonial history. His research files include notes on the Iran-Iraq war, and press cuttings from UK and Iranian newspapers about the conflict (EUL MS 377/2/5/8).
- EUL MS 129 Nazih Ayubi Research Papers Relating to the Middle East - Nazih Ayubi was a political scientist and Middle East scholar. His papers include references to women soldiers in the Gulf War (EUL MS 129/4/7).
- EUL MS 143 Professional Papers of Jonathan Crusoe Relating to Iraq and Kuwait - Jonathan Crusoe was born in Kuwait and was a journalist for the 'Middle East Economic Digest', specialising in Iraq from 1979-1991. His collection contains papers relating to the impact of the Gulf Wars on agriculture and food production, destruction of antiquities, the economic impacts of the conflicts, international relations, sport and trade in Iraq.
Conscientious Objection
- EUL MS 38 Jan Mills Whitham Literary Papers - Jan Mills Whitham was a novelist and historian. He was a conscientious objector during the First World War and was imprisoned before being released to work as a farm labourer near Combe Martin. Other papers related to Whitham can be found in the Henry Williamson collection, EUL MS 43/PERS/1/W/WHITHAM Letters from Jan Mills Whitham to Henry Williamson.
- EUL MS 43/PERS/1/M/MURRY J Correspondence between John Middleton Murry and Henry Williamson - John Middleton Murry was a writer, critic and journal editor. During the 1930s, he published on pacifism and edited 'Peace News' from 1940-1946. Murry founded a commune with a group of conscientious objectors at Lodge Farm in Thelnetham in 1942, which was the subject of his 1953 book 'Community Farm'.
- EUL MS 65 Allan A Brockett research and literary papers - Allan A Brockett was a librarian, historian and conscientious objector that gave a statement to the Bristol Tribunal for Conscientious Objectors in 1940.
- EUL MS 495 Reminiscences book of 'Six Momentous Years' by Rowland Glave Saunders - Rowland Glave Saunders was Mayor of Exeter for six terms between 1938 and 1944. The index of the manuscript reminiscences book includes references to the war efforts, including 'Conscientious Objector Congratulated by Mayor' on page 122.
- EUL MS 115/5/3 Israeli Pacifism - Giora Neuman - Giora Neuman was a young Israeli conscientious objector who refused military service in Palestine and was imprisoned. This small file of papers includes press cuttings and correspondence related to Neuman.
- EUL MS 397 Ronald Duncan Collection - Ronald Duncan was a writer and notable pacifist. He published 'The Complete Pacifist in 1936 (EUL MS 397/8/4), collaborated with Benjamin Britten on 'Pacifist March' (EUL MS 397/7/1), and set up a co-operative farm near Welcombe, Devon during the Second World War (EUL MS 397/4/1/6/20, EUL MS 397/18/1).
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