Once you’ve formulated an answerable search question and thought about the techniques you will use to help you get a manageable set of relevant results, you can move on to consider where you might find evidence to answer your question.
This section will guide you through applying a search across two key resources, NICE Evidence and Medline. These have been selected as they will help you to identify high levels of evidence to inform your research protocol.
You can learn more about research databases and how they can be used in your research here.
There are many other databases you may like to consider searching as part of your research. It is important that you consider a range of sources in the search process as you are unlikely to find the information you need on one source alone. Details of all of the databases you can access are available through the A-Z databases list. Filter by subject 'Medical imaging' to limit to the key resources in your discipline.
NICE Evidence is a search engine which allows you to search for guidelines, health technology assessments and economic evaluations. This video introduces a range of evidence-based resources from NICE including NICE Guidelines, the BNF and BNFC.
Medline contains over 25 million citations in lifesciences and biomedicine. Coverage is from 1946 - present. You may already be familiar with searching Medline through PubMed. The articles indexed are the same, although PubMed coverage starts from 1966.
This video focuses on searching Medline via the Ovid platform. This platform is good for running advanced searches and provides access to full-text articles where available through university subscriptions.
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