Rare books and maps can be found by searching the University of Exeter Library catalogue https://www.exeter.ac.uk/departments/library/
Once you have your search results in the Library Catalogue, use the 'Creation Date' option in the left hand column to refine results to a specific date range. You can then use the 'Sort by' dropdown under Refine your Results to display your search results in date order.
Once you have your search results displayed in the Library catalogue click on a book title to view the full item record.
From here you can scroll down to virtual browse. This allows you to browse a virtual bookshelf to see other similar titles shelved nearby. Click on the arrows to scroll through the shelves, click on a title to view the full item record.
Work to update this section for the new library catalogue is currently in progress
University of Exeter LibGuide is licensed under CC BY 4.0