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Special Collections: Common Ground Archive

Welcome to the Common Ground archive guide

We hope this LibGuide will help you to navigate the Common Ground archive catalogue, answer some of your questions, and provide you with tips on where to look for more information. In this guide you will find:

- Information about the Common Ground archive catalogue

The main part of this guide provides information about the largest section of the Common Ground archive: material relating to the charity's project work (EUL MS 416/PRO).

- Information on accessing and using the Common Ground archive

At the end of this guide you will find guidance on access and copyright and answers to frequently asked questions about the archive.

- The latest updates about the Common Ground archive

At the end of this guide you will find links to our Common Ground Archive Project Blog.

Get in touch!

If you have any questions not answered in this LibGuide or require more information about the archive, you are very welcome to email the Special Collections team at

Contact Us or Give Feedback

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