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Esotericism and the Magical Tradition

From the Enlightenment to the Victorian Occult Revival: historical theories, ahistorical practices?


William Stukeley, Stonehenge: a temple restored to the British Druids, bound with Abury: a temple of the British druids, with some others, described. London: Innys & Manby, 1740. Facsimile reprint, published in 1838. [Reserve 913.4231 STU/X]

Godfrey Higgins, The Celtic druids: or an attempt to shew that the Druids were the priests of oriental colonies who emigrated from India. London: Hunter, 1829. [Reserve 299.16 HIG/X]

William Borlase, Antiquities, historical and monumental, of the county of Cornwall... London: 1769. [Reserve 942.37 BOR/X]

John Campbell Colquhoun, An history of magic, witchcraft, and animal magnetism. London: Longman, Brown, etc., 1851.  2 vols. Bookplate of Sabine Baring-Gould. [Baring-Gould Library 0487]

Frederick Thomas Elworthy, The evil eye: an account of this ancient & widespread superstition. London: Murray, 1895. [Reserve 398.38 ELW]

A.R. Craig, The book of the hand: or, The science of modern palmistry, chiefly according to the systems of d'Arpentigny and Desbarolles, with some account of the gipsies. London: Sampson Low, Son & Marston, 1867. [Reserve 398.372 CRA]

Oliver Madox Hueffer, The book of witches. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1908. [Baring-Gould Library 0493]

Jules Bois, Le satanisme et la magie / avec une étude de J.-K.Huysmans. Paris: Chailley, 1896. With additional material by J.K. Huysmans. [Reserve 398.38 BOI]

Eliphas Lévi, Transcendental magic: its doctrine and ritual [A translation of Dogme et rituel de la haute magie… with a biographical preface by Arthur Edward Waite]. London: Redway, 1896. [Reserve 398.38 LEV]

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