Library Blog

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profile-icon Lee Snook

Trial access is available to the Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text database until 22nd July 2020.

Click to Access: Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text 

This database is hosted by EBSCO and provides access to hundreds top journals and magazines related to criminal justice and criminology. A full title list is available for you to view online.

Content Includes

  • More than 320 full-text magazines and journals

  • More than 600,000 records

  • Coverage of more than 600 journals from around the world

Subjects Include

  • Criminology

  • Criminal justice

  • Corrections and prisons

  • Criminal investigations

  • Forensic sciences and investigation

  • Substance abuse and addiction

  • Probation and parole


Please pass any feedback on this database to your Liaison Librarian.  We'd be interested in your thoughts on its relevance to your teaching / research.


 digital booksAs we plan for the new term and focus on the online delivery of resources to students, digitised reading lists are an increasingly important element of University teaching support.

In recognition of the value of digitised reading lists to the taught course experience of students, on 16th June, the University’s Maintaining Educational Opportunities and Outcomes (MEOO) committee agreed a new reading lists policy, which is now available on the Library’s website.


Reading List Policy

  • All modules must have a Library created reading list (this could be one book, or many) which the Library will make available to students via ELE modules.

  • All reading lists for Term 1 should be sent to your Reading List Team as soon as possible, but by 1st August at the very latest.

  • Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all materials on reading lists need to be available digitally.

  • You can read the policy in full.


Many modules already have reading lists in place, so staff will be used to working with the library on this service. If you are involved in teaching in September you should have received a message about module reading lists for 2020/21.  If you have not previously used the service and want more information just get in touch.

As all materials need to be available digitally, some changes to existing reading lists are likely to be required.  When the reading list team check your lists they will flag any inaccessible content so that alternatives can be considered.

This new approach to reading lists will mean that students on all taught modules have easy access to all their required readings through their ELE modules.

If you need help or advice, please contact the Library Reading List Teams at



profile-icon Lee Snook

The Library is working with publishing partners to open up access to digital content during the Coronavirus outbreak - and you can find all the updates on resources here.

We have great news for all Law staff and students.  OUP have been looking to help universities with access to resources and have kindly opened up full access for the University to Exeter to the entire Law Trove collection - thank you OUP!   Access now extended to end of July 2020.

Click to Access Law Trove

You should be prompted for your usual username and password.  If, not use the Sign in via your institution option on the left hand side of the homepage and follow the instructions.

Law Trove contains the content of about 200 law textbooks across core and optional law modules. Its powerful search facility means you can delve deeper into your title, navigate more easily, and connect with additional resources in the online library collections.Through this service you have full text access to key OUP textbooks which will support your core and optional law modules.

Here is an illustration of the various subject collections available.


Do log in and make the best of these great resources over the coming weeks.

If you need help logging in to resources use our Electronic Resources LibGuide which has hints and tips for common login and remote access problems.  Or get in touch via email or chat service.

We are really pleased to be able to bring this resource to you. Please let your law librarian Lee know if you have any feedback on it.  We'd love to know how it helped your teaching or studies.

For more online law library support, take a look at the Law Subject LibGuide.

Law Trove Support Documents




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