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Nutrition Subject Guide: NHS Libraries

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Placement Health Libraries

University of Exeter students from the College of Medicine and Health can access the following library services when they are on placement with the related NHS hospital. You will need to register with the Library service when you begin your placement.


Exeter Health Library is the NHS library at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust. 

It is located on Level 2 (1st Floor) RILD/PMS Building, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Barrack Road. 

University of Exeter College of Medicine and Health students and staff have borrowing rights to Exeter Health Library. Exeter Health Library catalogue is shared with a network of NHS and other health libraries in the South West of England. Take a look at Exeter Health Library's Student Placement Guide.

Non College of Medicine and Health students and staff interested in borrowing a title from the Exeter Health Library should email to see if other arrangements can be made to borrow or purchase the title.

Cornwall Health Library, based in the Knowledge Spa, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro supports staff and students of University of Exeter College of Medicine and Health as well as all NHS staff in Cornwall. Register while you are based in Cornwall to access a full range of library services and resources.


Northern Devon Healthcare Library Service
North Devon District Hospital, Raleigh Park, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 4JB

South Devon Healthcare Library Service
Torbay Hospital, Lawes Bridge, Torquay, Devon, TQ2 7AA

Cornwall Health Library




Cornwall Health Library is located on the second floor of the Knowledge Spa Building at Royal Cornwall Hospital, providing library services to health care staff and students working across Cornwall.

University of Exeter Medical School students can register to use the library and will be able to access our range of print books, journals, PCs and study rooms. Three of our study rooms have PCs which have access to patient systems, please ask in the library to book.  3rd – 5th Year medical students will also be able to register for an NHS Open Athens account to access online resources via the NHS.

Cornwall Health Library provides training on topics such as literature searching, critical appraisal and using reference management software.

To register to join the library complete this online form or ask at the library help desk.

The library is staffed Monday – Friday 08:30 – 17:30. The library building is open 24/7 so if you would like to use the library outside the staffed hours simply ask us for an out of hours access form.

Holly Fraser is the Subject Librarian for Exeter Medical School in the Cornwall Health Library. Contact details: 01872 256448

For further information email: or ask a member of staff in the library.


@CHealthLib       @chealthlib




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