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Drama DRA2045: Finding & using library resources: Where should I look? Library search



Once you have decided the type of research materials you want to work with, you can choose the best research tool to help you find that material.

As a university student you should be using high quality academic sources of information. Don't rely on using Google!*

The two library research tools that will help you find quality primary and secondary materials are:

  1. Library Search
  2.  A-Z database list.

This section will look at Library Search.

Using Library Search

Library Search will find print and electronic books and journals on the library catalogue. In addition, you can search simultaneously across a range of full text resources to discover individual journal articles, research papers, book chapters, and more. 

Use Library Search:
- To search for specific books

- To search for specific journal titles

- To find full text journal articles

- To find conference papers, reports and other sources of information

- To research a new topic when you are unsure where to start

You may want to look at particular journals for your research. Spend a few minutes exploring these journals.

Recommended journals

The following journals are particularly recommended for this project as they focus specifically on the subject of arts and health.

These journals cover the wider fields of Drama and Performance. However, they are worth looking at as they may contain useful information relating to your topic of research:

Did you know?

Over 50% of our library collection is now in digital format. 

Browsing the library shelves can be useful but you'll miss a substantial part of the library collections if you rely on this approach alone.

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