The following databases contain filmed performances, performance analysis and criticism, as well as films and TV programmes.
These databases tend to be more specialised and focused in scope, generally containing far less records than the multidisciplinary research databases.
Use Library Search to discover the films and DVDs we hold in our library collection.
Digital Theatre Plus features:
Exeter Digital Archives allows you to search across the Exeter Digital Archives collection. This is a film and video collection on contemporary performance practice.
The archive includes the following collections:
Drama Online includes over 1500 full text playscripts from major playwrights (including Shakespeare, Ibsen, Brecht, Stoppard etc) as well as critical interpretations and analysis.
Access is available to the CORE COLLECTION ONLY of Bloomsbury, Faber & Faber and Arden full text plays and associated commentaries.
A collection of Shakespeare’s Globe Stage productions recorded live at the Globe between 2008-2015.
Kanopy provides access to 30 thousand films and can be streamed on any device
Search by subject or keyword.
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