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St Luke's (Haighton) Library

St Luke’s Library is open again. Welcome back!


Access to the building

You will need your unicard to swipe into the front entrance of the building. Students and Staff can access the building 24/7 with their unicards.  Associates and registered external members can swipe in 08:00 - 20:00 weekdays and 10:00 - 18:00 at weekends.


Study spaces and zoning

We have zoned the refurbished spaces as follows:

  • Level 0: Group Study
  • Level 1: Quiet Study
  • Level 2: Silent Study

There is currently one bookable Group study room on Level 0 (up the stairs on the stage area at the back of the main room). There is also one Group study presentation room on Level 1. This has not changed location from before the refurbishment. You can book these rooms online.


Borrowing and returning items

001 - 371.102 are on Level 0.  371.103 - 999 are on Level 1. You can borrow and return books at the self-service kiosk located adjacent to the library enquiry desk in the main room on Level 0.

Reservation shelves

Reserved books are next to the self-service kiosk located near the new Library enquiry desk in the main room on Level 0.


Education store relocated to Forum level -1 rolling stacks

Items with a location of 'Forum library Education store level -1' have moved permanently to Forum library level -1 rolling stacks. These items can be requested for collection at St Luke's Campus.


AccessAbility room

The St Luke's library AccessAbility room is currently in Giraffe House 1.37 C.  We will update this page as soon as the facilities can be moved back into St Luke's library.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused,



There is now one colour Xerox machine in St Luke's Library located behind the self-service kiosk. Alternative colour Xerox machines are also available in the following locations on St Luke's campus:

  • Giraffe House (print room, first floor)
  • Baring Court (entrance)
  • South Cloisters (entrance)
  • Richards (ground floor)



If you have questions, library staff will be happy to answer them at the new Library enquiry desk in the main room on Level 0 Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00. Outside of staffed hours, please use our 24/7 live chat by clicking on 'Ask us' button on this screen or email

St Luke's Library (Haighton) Opening Hours & Access

Current students and staff


Monday - Friday

Open 24/7

Staffed Hours:09:00 - 17:00

Swipe access 24/7

Saturday - Sunday

Bank holidays

Open 24/7

Swipe access 24/7

You must bring your Unicard for ID, swipe access to the building and borrowing

For live help, please get in touch through chat or email


Associates and Registered external members

You are welcome to visit St Luke's Library once again. Please bring your card with you.

Members of the public who are not registered external members should get in touch to arrange access.

Monday - Friday

Staffed Hours: 09:00 - 17:00

Swipe access only

08:00 - 20:00


Saturday - Sunday


Swipe access only

10:00 - 18:00

You must bring your card for ID, swipe access to the building and borrowing

For live help, please get in touch through chat or email

St Luke's Library (Haighton) - Floor Guide and Collections

Print collections have now been moved back into the library building

Most books are now upstairs on Level 1. Please bear with us as we update our signage and guides.

Level 0

Books 001 – 371.102

‘Ask us’ enquiry desk

Borrow and return kiosk
Print & Copy
Individual study booths
Group study room
Quiet study spaces
Reservation shelves
Toilets (Accessible)
Virtual Reality training room


Level 1

Books 371.103 – 999
Journals 001 - 999
Oversize books

Quiet study


Level 2

Silent study

Sports and Health Science Offices (access via South staircase)

AccessAbility Guide

Access Able will be updating their Guide to St Luke's library as soon as possible.  There remains a ramp at the main entrance and a passenger lift to all floors on the north side of the building.  The first floor south side will become fully accessible once a new passenger lift is installed later this year.


The collections support the Education, Medicine and Sports Science disciplines which are based on the St Luke's campus.

Find us

Building on campus map

St Luke's Library Address

St Luke's Campus Library
University of Exeter
Heavitree Road
United Kingdom

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