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Library & Archives Access Bursaries: about

An overview of library bursaries and information on how to apply

A limited number of bursaries are available for taught students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

These are for students who are undertaking or about to undertake their final dissertations or projects, and who wish to access specific online resources or to travel to visit other libraries and library archives

Application form

Contact us

   If you have any queries about the scheme, please email 

Successful bursary applicants have visited:

Bodleian Library, Oxford

British Film Institute Archive

Lords MCC Cricket Archives

Victoria and Albert Museum

Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham

National Archives, Kew

La Cinematheque Francaise library, Paris

The British Library

PLEASE NOTE: Please apply for the bursary before you make your visit/pay any costs. This bursary is not an up-front payment. If your bursary request is approved, you will initially have to pay the travel/access costs of your visit or online registration, and we will reimburse you the approved amount once we receive your confirmation of the amount spent.

About the bursaries

You can apply for a Library & Archive Access Bursary if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • You are an undergraduate or taught postgraduate
  • You are about to undertake your final year project or dissertation
  • You are studying in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • You are a registered student (not interrupting) at the time of accessing the resource online or travelling to the library or archive  

Bursaries are capped at £150 maximum per student.

  • Bursaries are limited to one per student per academic year. If you wish to fund several journeys or pay for access to multiple resources, you'll need to make the case for all of them in a single application. 
  • You will need to provide estimated prices in your application - please be as accurate as you can.
  • Please note that the amount awarded may be less than the amount requested, and not all applications will be successful.

  • Fill out a Library and Archive Bursaries Application Form, and forward it on to your dissertation or project supervisor.
  • We will need them to approve your application, and email it to us at Your tutor or supervisor's support is vital, and applications will only be accepted if forwarded on by them.
  • You can apply at any time until 30th June. You are advised to submit your application as early as possible as applications will be assessed on a first-come, first-served basis until the funding has been fully committed.
  • Applications will be acknowledged within 10 working days. We will get back to you with a decision within a month of your application.‌

Students in HASS will send application forms to project/dissertation tutors or supervisors for approval.

As dissertation supervisors, we recognise that you are best-placed to assess the validity of a student's application, and the relevance of any request to their project. We ask you to enter your details and answer 3 quick questions. You're welcome to add any supporting information.

When you receive a Library Bursary form, please complete Section 5, and forward it on to us from your University email account. 

Library staff will then check that applications meet the criteria, that the resource requested is not already in stock, and that funding is available to meet the request. 

Approved application forms, and any queries, should be addressed to

What can I use the bursary for?

The bursaries can be used to pay for physical and/or virtual access to other collections. This can cover:

  • travel to a specialist library or archive, or
  • online access to a specialist database or other online resource

You may apply for both travel and online access in your application. See the next tabs for further details of coverage.

Please note: Library & Archive Access Bursaries only cover travel when you are visiting other libraries or archives. They do not cover journeys taken for other purposes during your dissertation research. Field trips, conferences, seminars, theatre visits, interviews with other researchers, museum exhibition visits etc. all fall outside the scope of this bursary, and we are not able to fund these types of visit.

If you're using the bursary to enable you to visit other libraries and archives, it will cover:

  • Temporary membership fees: for libraries and archives that charge for access
  • Accommodation: if necessary for your visit
  • Travel fares: the most cost-effective method of transport should be used. Usually this will be standard or economy class
  • Car use: mileage and parking
  • Mileage rates can be found on the notes page of the Student Expenses claim form. We will need receipts or bank statements as proof of petrol purchase
  • Digitisation costs of materials if this is the only way of obtaining access

Your bursary will not cover

  • food 
  • printing, photocopying or photography costs.

Please note: Library & Archive Access Bursaries only cover travel when you are visiting other libraries or archives. They do not cover journeys taken for other purposes during your dissertation research. Field trips, conferences, seminars, theatre visits, interviews with other researchers, museum exhibition visits etc. all fall outside the scope of this bursary, and we are not able to fund these types of visit.

If you're using the bursary to fund online access to resources, it will cover:

  • Individual temporary access to an online database, or similar resource.
  • Digitisation of a thesis via EThOS.

It cannot be used to pay for Inter-Library Loans. If you are unsure of whether your resource is eligible, please contact us before applying. 

Quotes from successful bursary applicants


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