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Special Collections: Handling Archives and Rare Books

Ten Top Tips for handling audiovisual materials:

1. Use a digitised access copy, rather than the original, whenever possible. Ask a member of staff for advice.

2. Before you start, make sure you have a clean and clutter-free work surface.

3. Ensure any playback equipment is clean and well maintained before use.

4. Handle materials as little as possible, and only by the edges. Wear nitrile gloves to handle vinyl records, reel-to-reel tapes, film reels, and any other items where the magnetic tape is exposed.

5. Make sure not to touch the spools on cassette tapes or VHS tapes. Handle optical discs (CDs, DVDs) by the edge and center hole only. Handle reel-to-reel tapes with gloves by the edge of the plastic or metal reel (the flanges) and center hub only

6. Avoid applying pressure on any side of the container or housing.

7. Keep items clear from strong magnetic fields e.g. mobile phones, speakers, motors, vacuum cleaners, television sets.

8. Recordings should not be left exposed to air. Place items back into their containers when not in use and never leave storage containers open.

9. Make sure not to stack recordings on top of each other. They are best stored on their sides.

10. Report any issues or signs of damage to a member of staff, or ask for help or advice if you are unsure about how to handle something. We're always happy to help!

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