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Staff and students at the University of Exeter now have access to Gale Reference Complete This link opens in a new window Description of this database.

Gale Reference Complete is an extensive package of primary and secondary sources, and is made up of three components:


Search across millions of journal articles. View newspaper articles from major regional, national and local newspapers. Search across all resources or access each separately: Gale Academic OneFile, Gale General OneFile and Gale OneFile: News



Over 350 archival collections containing scans of monographs and manuscripts from their source libraries. Topics include African American Studies, American Indian Studies, Asian Studies, British history, Holocaust studies, LGBT studies, Latin America and Caribbean studies, Middle East studies, political science, religious studies, and Women’s studies. View the collections here: Archives Unbound


Access criticism and reviews, literary works including poems, short stories, speeches and plays, and biographical information on writers from all around the world, from different time periods and disciplines. Search across all of the literature resources or access each separately: Literature Resource Center, LitFinder, Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete OnlineSomething About the Author Online and Contemporary Authors Online 


If you need any help using Gale Reference Complete, please contact your Liaison Librarian.

profile-icon Nicola Nye

The correspondence and papers of missionary societies work within North America & Canada, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australasia during the 18th and 19th centuries.  Providing insight into the work, influence and changing attitudes of those involved in spreading the word throughout communities living under colonised rule.

profile-icon Nicola Nye


Detailed records of the transatlantic slave trade that operated from Africa and America to Britain. The series includes details of slave traders, business records, accounts of slave transportation and information on the plantations slaves were forced to work. Uncover the philosophies that endorsed or fought against the existence of this trade in people.


One of the most comprehensive collections of Chinese and Japanese ancient books including volumes of ancient books covering historical, political, economic, religious, philosophic, literary, ethnic and geographic documents. (Chinese language)

Si Ku Quan Shu
This is the largest collection of ancient books in China's history, spanning from the Pre-Qin period to the early Qianlong period of the Qing dynasty, covering many academic fields.

Qing Dynasty Archives
This archive includes precious historical collections such as Qing shi lu, Wu cao hui dian, Da qing jin shen quan shu, Da qing fu zheng yao lan quan shu, Da qing zhong shu bei lan, Huang di yu pi, and more.

A digital archive of monographs and periodicals on political economy, trade, finance, industry, business, labour, and related subjects. The archive supports research on critical topics, such as world trade, finance and capital formation, transportation and the growth of cities, industrialisation, imperialism and colonialism, socialism, labour and poverty, and other areas of study. This collection is of particular value to anyone with an interest in early twentieth century history, political science, philosophy, business and economic law, and women’s studies.

“A magazine devoted to social and political problems, literature and art… .”  

Published initially under the aegis of the of Soviet Women’s Anti-Fascist Committee and the Central Council of Trade Unions of the USSR, it began as a bimonthly illustrated magazine tasked with countering anti-Soviet propaganda by introducing Western audiences to the lifestyle of Soviet women, their role in the post-WWII rebuilding of the Soviet economy, praising their achievements in the arts and the sciences. Originally published simultaneously in Russian, English, German and French, the magazine went on to add more foreign language editions aiming to reach even wider audiences both in the West and elsewhere to balance the Western narrative about the Soviet Union in these countries with a pro-Soviet ideological counterweight.

Over the years the magazine developed regular sections covering issues dealing with economics, politics, life abroad, life in Soviet republics, women’s fashion, as well as broader issues in culture and the arts. One of its most popular features was the translations of Soviet literary works, making available in English, (and other languages) works of Russian and Soviet writers that were previously unavailable, allowing readers worldwide a peek inside the hitherto insular Soviet literary world. An important communist propaganda outlet, the magazine continued its run until the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

Archive of the weekly periodical published by the BBC for radio listeners and later, TV viewers. Includes transcripts and commentary of broadcasts as well as articles and interviews.

The Listener is one of the few records and means of accessing the content of many early broadcasts. In addition to commenting on the intellectual broadcasts of the week, the Listener also previewed major literary and musical shows and regularly reviewed new books.

Over its sixty-two-year history, the Listener attracted the contributions of literary icons such as E. M. Forster, George Orwell, Bertrand Russell, George Bernard Shaw, and Virginia Woolf. It also provided an important platform for new writers and poets, with W. H. Auden, Sylvia Plath, and Philip Larkin being notable examples.

profile-icon Nicola Nye

UoE now has access to the full Drama Online collection.

"This award-winning digital library has been created as a response to the need for a high-quality online research tool for drama and literature students, professors, and teachers. It is the only resource to combine exclusively available playtext content and scholarly publications with filmed live performances, film adaptations, and audio plays".

Watch the video to find out more.

New collections just added to our Drama Online collection:


LGBT Thought and Culture is an online resource hosting the key works and archival documentation of LGBT political and social movements throughout the 20th century and into the present day. The collection contains rare archival content, including seminal texts, letters, periodicals, speeches, interviews, and ephemera. 




Key highlights include:

- The Pat Rocco Collection: Acquired from the ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives, this collection features ephemora and correspondence from gay rights organizer and filmmaker Pat Rocco, documenting his impact in Southern California and Hawaii in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Includes letters from SPREE (The Society of Pat Rocco Enlightened Enthusiasts)
- The Jeanne Cordova Papers: The collection offers ephemera documenting the 1970’s activism of editor Jeanne Cordova. It includes correspondence regarding her magazine The Lesbian Tide, and other letters that provide insight into her role as a leader for Los Angeles-based LGBT and feminist movements.
- The Magnus Hirschfeld Collection:  Including the professional correspondence, publications, confidential reports, news clippings, court documents, and other materials from renowned German sex researcher Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935).

A substantial archive of publications produced by the Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS), a unit operating within the United States CIA, from 1957-1995. The JPRS unit produced English translations of foreign-language monographs, reports, serials, journal and newspaper articles, and radio and television broadcasts from across the world, with a focus on communist and developing countries. These translations were produced for use by U.S government officials, U.S. agencies and research and industrial communities.

You can search across the entire collection:

This collection, curated in association with the National Archives (UK), provides an unparalleled insight into the political, economic, and military foundations of the post-war international order. The materials, which are diverse in nature, cover a wide range of subject matter, shedding light on the perspectives of various state and non-state actors during periods of both cooperation and conflict. The United Nations (UN)Marshall Plan, World BankInternational Monetary Fund (IMF)General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), and European Economic Community (EEC), to name but a few examples, are all accounted for.  

profile-icon Nicola Nye

A bibliography of newspapers and periodicals published in the 19th century. The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals aims to include every periodical and newspaper published on a regular basis, from daily to annually, in every language, within England.

Search by title, person, publisher or town to find brief details of each publication and the physical location of copies held in the UK. 

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