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The University is now an institutional subscriber to the Overton platform whose mission is to help users find, understand, and measure their influence on government policy.

Overton is the world’s largest searchable and curated policy database.  It tracks a wide range of policy documents such as white papers, working papers, government guidance, think tank policy briefs, national clinical guidelines etc and indexes and organises these materials to support analysis via key terms / topic / themes.

It also maps connections between these documents and scholarly research and news content to see where ideas, papers, reports and staff are being cited or mentioned.

This database enables researchers to track the impact of their own work on policy as well as investigate the dynamics of global policy making. 

Access and Registration

Login to Overton

You will be prompted to create a new user account for Overton.  Complete the registration form to activate your account.  


Getting help

  • If you are new to Overton, you may find it useful to watch short video introducing Overton.
  • Use the online Getting started guide to help get you up and running with the service
  • More detailed online support is available via the Overton Knowledge Base  where you can browse or search online for guidance
  • You can also use the Support area to join an online chat or submit an online form to request further information from the Overton team.
  • You can also get in touch with your Liaison Librarian who will be happy to help you use the platform


Keep up to date

To keep up to date with developments you can Sign up to Overton’s monthly newsletter, which contains new features and other useful information for users.

These online workshops will take a look at how to run searches using databases such as APA PsycInfo and Medline on the Ovid platform.

We'll explore:

  • Line by line searching and combining searches
  • Search techniques
  • MeSH/ Subject heading searches
  • Finding the full text
  • Managing results

There will be time for questions, so please do come along if you need any help or support. Book your place now!

The session would be of interest to anyone undertaking medical, health or psychology research.

The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection contains over 2,500 specially commissioned, multi-media, online lectures by leading world experts from universities, research centres, medical schools, and pharmaceutical/biotech companies.

Subject areas include biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, nutrition, and neuroscience. New material is added every month!

Use the search bar on the top left of any page to run a search in the collection or click ‘Subjects’ and select the ‘Category’ or ‘Therapeutic Area’ of choice to browse the collection.

profile-icon Natasha Bayliss

Cochrane Interactive Learning is an online learning platform consisting of eleven modules to help you improve your knowledge and skills in conducting systematic reviews.

Although designed to support healthcare intervention reviews, any researchers conducting different types of systematic reviews are likely to benefit from modules one to three!

Why use it?

Modules cover the full process of conducting a systematic review and features sections on writing the review protocol, searching for studies and analysing the data. These are useful for anyone undertaking a systematic review.


The first time you use the resource you will need to register by the custom link below, as a personal account is required. 

Cochrane Interactive Learning - Registration and annual re-registration only This link opens in a new window

Getting started: 

Once you have registered you can login and access the modules. You can work through all the modules or select the ones you wish to complete. 

profile-icon Natasha Bayliss

For all those new to systematic searching this online tutorial will guide you through the steps required to systematically search for studies for your research methods assignment and project.

Click on the image to jump into the support Guide and start building your search strategy.

Ovid logo


About Ovid


Ovid is an advanced search platform allowing you to perform sophisticated literature searches. The University has access to a number of OVID databases, primarily in the fields of medicine, psychology, and life and health sciences, but also covering the  agriculture and forestry disciplines.  You can browse the list of available databases below:


Getting the most from Ovid databases


In order to get the most from the Ovid databases, you should take full advantage of their advanced search functionality in order to produce a powerful advanced search strategy which will yield highly focussed search results.

Each of the databases has its own specialiast functionality, incoprorating discipline specific subject headings or thesaurui so we recommend you search each database iindividually to take advantage of these subject specific functions.

Help and Support


At first, the search interface can seem a little daunting.  And if you do not frame a search correctly you may find your search produces too few results or an over abundance of irrelevant results.

To help you get to grips with this, we have just released a Searching Ovid Databases guide.  You can use this guide to assist you as you start building your searches.  It will guide you through:

  • Searching: showing you how best to use basic, advanced and multifield searches
  • Working with your search results: showing you how to limit or expand your search results, find the full text and export results
  • Creating an Ovid account: in order to easily save and repeat searches to keep up to data and get automatic alerts of newly published content.


Click on the image to jump into the support Guide and start building your Ovid Search Skills






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