You can scroll through the A-Z and choose a database if you know exactly what you are looking for.
Or select your subject from the drop down subject menu to see a subset of resources in that category.
Select Classics from the drop down subject menu.
A few core resources will be highlighted in the yellow box. These are key databases that are likely to be of interest to anyone studying and researching in that area. All other databases relevant to the subject are listed below the core resources.
Library Search is often a good starting point for introductory material, but it's important to note that not all database content is available via Library Search. If you want to search across all of our collections, search the databases too!
Use research databases to find articles, chapters and other academic papers in your field.
A research database contains detailed records of thousands of journal articles, book references and conference proceedings. These records usually include the article title, authors, abstract (a brief summary), keywords (to enable your search to find it) and more.
This is the core bibliographical tool for finding journal articles and book chapters for classics, classical archaeology and ancient history.
This database provides information about articles and chapters, but does not provide full text access the actual items. You can use the Check for this @ Exeter button to see whether you can get access, either in full text or online. See the Searching Annee Philologique activity for details on how to do this.
It is important to note:
So, when searching databases, be prepared for an extra step.
After finding a relevant article or book you need to check whether you have access to that item, either in print or in full-text online. Many of the databases will have a Check for this at Exeter button; clicking on this link will check whether we have access to the item.
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