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Computer Science: Tutorial - Finding and using library resources: 5. Research databases

Online tutorial introducing you to the skills and techniques needed for effective library research

We subscribe to range of databases that contain scholarly information on the subject of Computer Science.

The databases in this section are a mix of specialised databases or are multi-disciplinary in their scope.


Explore each section and then complete the Web of Science and JSTOR tutorials.


Web of Science

Web of Science is a large multidisciplinary research database covering all subject areas, including Computer Science.


Note: This is an index database which means that it does not contain full text. However, content that we subscribe to  can be accessed via links within the database.


You can access a range of  Web of Science video tutorials here.

ACM Digital Library

The ACM Digital Library contains the full text of all publications of the 
Association for Computing Machinery. This includes journal articles, papers, and conference proceedings. Computer and information science articles from other sources are also indexed, but the full text of these articles may not be included.


JSTOR provides access to scholarly book, journal and primary sources via an easy to use search interface.

You can browse the content available in the Computer Science and Mathematics and Statistics collections. 

Use the How to Search JSTOR LibGuide for a general introduction to the service.


MathSciNet is produced by AMS (American Mathematical Society) and is the authoritative gateway to the scholarly literature of mathematics.

Use it to:
• Quickly get up to speed on a new topic
• Look up a researcher’s body of work 
• Find an article or book and track its reference list
• Research a math department to prepare for a job interview

Use the QuickStart guide if you are new to this resources. This has lots of hints and tips to help you search effectively. You can also use the Help Index and FAQ sections for guidance.

More detailed guidance and information about the resource is available on the AMS website.

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