The Library Staff Development Action Group are seeking your views and ideas about employee engagement so we can produce a set of recommendations to contribute to personal and career development for all Library & Culture Services staff.
We hope to gather lots of useful feedback from you during May and report back in June
How to get involved?
The group have developed a few questions that we'd rather like your feedback on! They're around the themes of:
There are two or three questions per theme / column that it would be great to hear your thoughts about.
Click on the image above to launch our Padlet and have your say.
Deadline for comments: 29th May 2019.
Come and chat to us about any aspect of your personal / career development.
Bring tea/coffee or lunch. It’s an informal session; any comments can be anonymous.
In case you'd prefer to feed back to us in person rather than on the Padlet.
Date | Time | Place | Who |
Monday 13 May | 12:00-13:00 | Forum Library – Basement | Simon Foote |
Tuesday 14 May | 15:00-16:00 | Forum Library – Basement | Alex Hall |
Wednesday 15 May | 09:30-10:30 | Forum Library – Basement | Becky Knight |
Wednesday 15 May | 13:00-14:00 | Forum Library – Basement | Hilary Norris |
Thursday 16 May | 08:30-09:30 | Forum Library – Basement | Natasha Bayliss |
Thursday 16 May | 11:00-12:00 | Forum Library – Basement | Lee Snook |
Thursday 16 May |
15:30-16:30 (straight after the All Staff Meeting) |
Laver Building – Level 8 Breakout Space (near Room 825) |
Beverley Hughes |
Friday 17 May | 09:00-10:00 | Forum Library – Basement | Phil Barraclough |
Monday 20 May | 11:00-12:00 | Forum Library – Pod 1 | Chris Launder |
We're library staff of all grades and roles that have volunteered to improve our workplace.
We've been tasked with producing a set of recommendations which will lead to improved scores in the Staff Engagement Survey against each of the following questions:
Q6. I feel sufficiently challenged by my work
Q13. I receive constructive feedback on my performance
Q15. There are sufficient opportunities to learn, develop and improve my skills in my current job
Q16. There are sufficient opportunities for me to develop my career at the University of Exeter
Q18. I found my last PDR/Probation meeting useful
Q41. My manager welcomes feedback on their own performance
Date of Next meeting: 30th May 2019
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