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Library Staff Development Task & Finish Group: Development Resources and Links

What's this all about, then?

Here's where we'll be adding some links to resources and tools for staff development.

This page is a work in progress, and probably always will be!

Suggestions for inclusion are always welcome. Contact Phil Barraclough, Lee Snook or any group member if you would like something to be added.

Tools & Resources

Library Padlet Noticeboard: for info and updates

Library Padlet: Courses & Events: highlighting conferences and events etc

Reading Group informal opportunity to discuss what other libraries are doing, explore areas of practice and interest and reflect on ideas in a supportive group

Online Conference: Electronic Resources & Library




Library Juice – online professional development for library staff

Newcastle University Library Staff Development Toolkit

Reading University Library Staff Training and Development Policy – they also have a weekly Staff Development Hour

MMU's evaluation of a customer services staff development initiative – see if you can spot Phil B

Ted Talks - TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). Take a look at this Library Design talk.


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