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Researching Sustainability

Sustainable Finance: Using the Power of Money to Change the World

Sustainable Finance in Europe

Sustainable Finance and Banking

Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Finance

Information As a Driver of Sustainable Finance

The Evolution of Sustainable Investments and Finance

Illustrative searches for corporate social responsibility and sustainable finance

You can search for information on corporate social responsibility and sustainable finance across Library Search, the databases and the grey literature. See the earlier part of this guide for more information on those search options.

Here are some basic search terms you can use with Library Search to surface some of the discussions.  

(corporate social responsibility) AND (sustainable finance)

(corporate social responsibility) AND (green finance OR green investment)

(corporate social responsibility) AND (financial management) 

(corporate social responsibility) AND (sustainability) 


Library Search Tool enter your search terms and run the search

Database Searching

Try searching our specialist business databases. You can enter much more focused searches using an online database than is possible with Library Search.  Check out the Search techniques and Databases sections of this guide for more hints and tips on effective searching and for recommended databases.

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