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Document Delivery: Going beyond the UoE library collections

Accessing materials from other libraries

The Document Delivery service sources items to support academic study that are not part of Exeter University's collections and makes them available to you. 

Most requests are fulfilled by the British Library or other UK institutions but, where necessary, we can source items from across the globe. 

The Document Delivery service is available to current, registered University of Exeter academic staff and students.



I want an ...

  • Most journal articles arrive electronically as PDFs.
  • See our Electronic Delivery section for guidance on receiving articles from the British Library.
  • Allow approximately 2-7 days for delivery, some items can take longer.
  • Please note that due to copyright law it is only possible to request 1 article from each individual journal issue.
  • Articles are for use by the requester only and may not be shared with other people


If you need an article/chapter for teaching or to share with a research group, please see here for further details on how to request

  • All interlibrary loans must be collected from and returned to the Forum Library Reception Desk. You must bring your unicard with you to borrow your interlibrary loan.
  • If you are a distance learner or have Accessibility requirements and need your interlibrary loan posting to you, please indicate this in the Additional Information box on the request form as many libraries will not allow us to post their books on.
  • Allow approximately 7-10 days for delivery, some items can take longer.
  • Some rarer items may be supplied  for "Library Use Only" and cannot be consulted outside of the Library. Staff will inform you if this is applicable when the item arrives at Exeter.
  • Loan periods will differ but most items are loaned for approximately 4 weeks.
  • Books borrowed via the Document Delivery service may not be lent to another person or taken abroad.
  • Books borrowed via the Document Delivery service may not be able to be renewed. If a book is required for extended consultation then please complete a Purchase Suggestion form (students) or request a purchase via your Library liaison officer (staff). 
  • Renewals are at the discretion of the lending library and are frequently not possible.
  • Request a renewal for Inter Library Loans collected at Exeter
  • Request a renewal for Inter Library Loans collected at Penryn use this form.
  • Please let us know as soon as possible you if you lose an interlibrary loan. The British Library may charge in excess of £160 for a lost item.

If you don't need the whole book, why not request a Book Chapter instead? These usually arrive more quickly and in the form of PDFs you can keep.

  • Most chapter scans arrive electronically as PDFs.
  • See our Electronic Delivery section for guidance on receiving scans from the British Library. 
  • Allow approximately 2-7 days for delivery, some items can take longer.
  • Please note that, due to copyright law, it is only possible to request up to 1 chapter or 10% of an individual work. 
  • Book chapters are for use by the requester only and may not be shared with other people

Please try the following routes before requesting via the Document Delivery service:

If you cannot access the material you require via these routes please submit your request to us using the "Request a Book" option further below. You can add the additional thesis information in the "additional information box."

Making a Request

Before making a request, please consider the following

1. Is the item already held in Exeter's collections? 
Check our holdings via the Library Catalogue. You can expand your search beyond University collections and make a request using the Get It options e.g:
2. Is the item a brand new book? 
The Document Delivery service cannot borrow books published within the last 12 months as other libraries rarely lend new stock. 
To request brand new books students should submit a "Purchase Suggestion" form and staff can follow the advice on the library resourcing guide


Make your request by accessing the correct request route for your campus

Based at Exeter? 
If you can't find a resource through Library Search, you can request an item here.


Based at Cornwall?
Request here

Based at Knowledge Spa?
Email your request details to



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