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Systematic reviews

A quick guide to introduce you to systematic reviews

Saving searches

Most databases will allow you to save your search strategy and results, but often you will have to set up an account on the database platform before you can do this. Setting up accounts on each database you will be searching will allow you to save results, as well as easily re-running the search at a later date. 

In addition to saving your search strategy online, it is highly recommended that you keep a record of the search strategy and number of results retrieved for each database searched. 

Documenting your search

PRISMA reporting standards require that systematic review authors detail the following information about their search process in their review:

  • Describe all information sources, including databases searched with dates of coverage, detail of any other methods used to identify additional studies) and details of the date last searched.
  • Present the full electronic search strategy for at least one database, including any limits used (this will allow others to replicate your search).
  • State the process for selecting studies for the review (i.e., screening, eligibility).

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