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PGR library guide: Home

Use this guide to quickly find out about library services and support available to PGRs

Welcome to the LibGuide for Postgraduate Researchers

  Use this guide to quickly find out about library services and support available to PGRs.

Contact your Librarian
For advice or to book a 1:1 appointment
Library Liaison Team @ Exeter


Exeter Library Liaison Team group photo

Select your subject from the drop down menu to find your librarian.


Library Liaison Team @ Cornwall


Cornwall Library Liaison Team


Digital First

The library aims to buy resources in digital format before print wherever possible.

This provides students with the maximum access to our collection.

Over 50% of our collection is currently available in digital format and this collection will continue to expand.

Accessing the online library

You  must have an Exeter Unicard in order to access the online library materials. Click here to find out how to get one.


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Essential library skills

Find out about Library Services, access Library Search and the A to Z database list in this section.

Subject Guides

There are a wide range of Library guides covering all aspects of using our libraries and resources. 

Each subject has a guide containing guidance on finding relevant material and using core research resources

Need something that we don't have?

As a researcher, at some point in your research, it is highly likely that you will need to access resources held outside of the university library collections.

The library offers a number of services to help you access these materials. Find out more by exploring the guides below.

PGR Study spaces in the library





There are a number of bookable PGR study spaces in the Reading Room of the Old Library on Exeter Streatham campus.



Please be aware that your booking will show on the display screen at the entrance of the Old Library building including your full name. 

At the Penryn Campus, there are a range of study spaces available (although none are designated exclusively for PGRs). 


Peer review guidance

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