Copies of items held in Special Collections can be requested in paper or electronic format and are completed depending on the condition/nature of the item concerned, on copyright restrictions and the size of the order.
Digital photography of archival material that remains in copyright is not normally permitted without prior permission from the copyright holders.
Reproduction or publication of items that remain in copyright is not permitted without written authorisation. Please see below for further details.
Where to find Copyright guidance:
University of Exeter Staff and Students should refer to the library's COPYRIGHT TOOLKIT for guidance on Copyright.
For external users further help can be found at:
Requests for copies of archive material are assessed on a case by case basis. Certain types of material cannot be photocopied or scanned, due to preservation issues:
Constraints on staff time may restrict the quantity of copying that can be requested, and readers are cautioned that requests for copies cannot usually be completed during the day of their visit.
Archival copying is done on a case-by-case basis in consultation with senior Special Collections staff and is dependent on copyright restrictions.
Library staff reserve the right to refuse to photocopy materials if they judge that physical damage is likely to be caused to books or documents.
Digital photography of archival material is not normally permitted without prior permission from the copyright holders.
Requests for copies of archive material are assessed on a case by case basis. You must complete the relevant request form based on the type of copying required:
Reproduction or publication of works that remain in Copyright is not permitted without written authorisation. Please see 'requests for publication' for further details.
If you are visiting the reading room it is possible for you to make copies free of charge using your own digital camera.
All images are made subject to copyright legislation. Please note copies are made for personal research only and on this basis, we would ask you to destroy the copies once your research is completed.
No self-service digital photography is permitted for items which are in copyright without prior written permission by the copyright holder. Please note that this restriction includes most archive material held in Special Collections. A Self Service Photography form must be completed before any images may be taken.
Reproduction or publication in any medium is expressly forbidden without written authorisation.
Supplied Images
Digital images of items held in the collections are supplied strictly for private research for a non-commercial purpose, on completion of the relevant digital request form.
Requests will normally be supplied as JPEG or TIFF files via a secure OneDrive link.
Copying is carried out in accordance with the Special Collections Reprographics' Policy, which takes into account staff availability, preservation needs and copyright legislation.
Reproduction or publication in any medium is expressly forbidden without written authorisation.
A minimum charge of £10 will be made for supplied images. Payment can be made online via debit/credit card. Please see our digital image charges below for further details.
Supplied Images
Copying is carried out in accordance with the Special Collections Reprographics' Policy, which takes into account staff availability, preservation needs and copyright legislation.
Reproduction or publication in any medium is expressly forbidden without written authorisation.
Certain types of material cannot be photocopied or scanned, due to preservation issues:
Constraints on staff time may restrict the quantity of copying that can be requested, and readers are cautioned that requests for copies cannot usually be completed during the day of their visit.
Book photocopies for external readers can be posted out on completion, or collected in person.
Archival copying is done on a case-by-case basis in consultation with senior Special Collections staff and is dependent on copyright restrictions.
Library staff reserve the right to refuse to photocopy materials if they judge that physical damage is likely to be caused to books or documents.
We charge a minimum of £10 for all copy requests. Please contact Special Collections staff for a quote. Postal charges for photocopies may also apply. Please see the prices below for guidance:
VAT will be charged at the standard rate for copy requests made by staff, students and external researchers. For researchers overseas individuals are charged VAT at the standard rate, commercial companies and institutions are not charged VAT.
Payment is made by prior arrangement with Special Collections; please contact staff for a quote. Payment can be made online via debit/credit card - you will be sent a link to a secure payment page in our online store.
Once your payment has been made via the online store we will receive automatic payment notification and your copies will be sent to you. Digital copies will be sent via a secure OneDrive link (or a secure alternative for those without OneDrive access). Physical copies are posted via Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class service (signature on delivery and next-day delivery aim) or can be collected in person from our Reading Room by prior arrangement.
Many of our collections - or items contained within them - are in copyright and and are subject to restrictions on reproduction and use. This applies to the majority of our modern literary archive collections.
Staff will be able to advise you if such restrictions apply to the collection you are hoping to use in your publication.
We are not permitted to provide copies of any material that remains in copyright for a commercial purpose without the written permission of the copyright owner. All requests for copies from collections that remain in copyright must be accompanied with written permission from the copyright owner. Please forward written permission to
It is your responsibility to trace the copyright owner and provide proof of permission for the copies to be made. The WATCH database at may be able to assist you in finding the copyright owner. Further advice on UK copyright is available from The National Archives.
Permission for reproduction or publication must be obtained from the copyright holder. The creator, copyright holder, and University of Exeter Special Collections reference number of the reproduced item should always be acknowledged in the published work. Individual copyright holders may impose additional conditions, or charges.
All applications to publish items from the collections should be made by completing this form. Before providing images intended for publication, Special Collections will require written evidence of permission from the copyright holders.
Fees may be payable to Special Collections for images which are to appear in publications, in addition to those required by a copyright holder, or their agent. Payment is made by prior arrangement with Special Collections and can be paid online via debit/credit card. Copying decisions are made by Special Collections staff on a case-by-case basis
University of Exeter LibGuide is licensed under CC BY 4.0