These online workshops will take a look at how to run searches using databases such as APA PsycInfo and Medline on the Ovid platform.
We'll explore:
- Line by line searching and combining searches
- Search techniques
- MeSH/ Subject heading searches
- Finding the full text
- Managing results
There will be time for questions, so please do come along if you need any help or support. Book your place now!
The session would be of interest to anyone undertaking medical, health or psychology research.
The University is now an institutional subscriber to the Overton platform whose mission is to help users find, understand, and measure their influence on government policy.
Overton is the world’s largest searchable and curated policy database. It tracks a wide range of policy documents such as white papers, working papers, government guidance, think tank policy briefs, national clinical guidelines etc and indexes and organises these materials to support analysis via key terms / topic / themes.
It also maps connections between these documents and scholarly research and news content to see where ideas, papers, reports and staff are being cited or mentioned.
This database enables researchers to track the impact of their own work on policy as well as investigate the dynamics of global policy making.
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