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History - Effective library research for dissertations: Using Research Databases

A-Z Databases Activities

1. Watch the video demo
2.Explore the tutorial
3. Select a database and try out some searches
4. Contact your librarian if you need help

About Databases

What is a database?

Research databases enable you to see what has been published in the area you are researching. They contain detailed records of thousands of journal articles, book references and conference proceedings. These records usually include the article title, authors, abstract (a brief summary), keywords (to enable your search to find it) and more.

Why should I use a database?

  • They are a valuable way of searching for published scholarly research across a wide number of sources
  • You can build complex searches using sophisticated search interfaces. There will be plenty of options to refine your searches, ensuring that the results are likely to be relevant to your needs
  • They contain huge numbers of records, and thus provide comprehensive subject coverage
  • They also provide frequent (often daily) indexing, and so are very up to date

There are many different databases. Their interfaces will all vary, and they may use different terminology.

However, they all have similar features. Once you are familiar with these, you'll be able to find your way around different databases. You can see the main features in the examples below.

This is what a standard database interface looks like:

Once you click the Search button, the results page appears:

It is important to note:

  • Some databases provide full text access to the articles themselves.
  • Some databases are primarily indexes or bibliographic databases, and although they provide information about the content of a journal article, they may not provide full-text access to the actual article itself.
  • Some databases are a mixture of full-text and indexed/bibliographic access.


So, when searching databases, be prepared for an extra step. 

After finding a relevant article or book you need to check whether you have access to that item, either in print or in full-text online.  Many of the databases will have a Check for this at Exeter button; clicking on this link will check whether we have access to the item.



In some cases, material you want to consult may not be available to you at Exeter. 

You will be using vast literature databases which feature many millions of resources from around the world. There are a number of options that may be of assistance to connect you with the information you need. 

Document Delivery Service

This service can be used  to request books/journal articles from other libraries. There is a charge for this service. Check online to see what arrangements are in place with your College / Department for covering the costs of this service.  You may have an allocation or your supervisor may provide a prepaid token for the request. 


Student Book Suggestion Scheme

Students can make book suggestions to the Library. Submit requests online and they will be reviewed by the library. If the book is unlikely to be used by others after your dissertation work, then you may be directed to the Document Delivery scheme instead, for short term access to material.


Library Hub Discover

Use this service to search across the book and journal collections of the UK research and specialist libraries.

You can search to see if copies of books/journals are available in other libraries that you could visit whilst at home over the vacation, or by a special trip.  Always check the access requirements before you travel, if you wish to visit another library.  Find out more about visiting other libraries. 

Finding Resources using the A- Z Databases List

To find databases, use the A-Z list.   Take a look at the Finding Relevant Databases tab for guidance on using the subject and type menu to help you find databases of interest to you.

Use the Database Targets worksheet to record useful databases as you explore.

You can browse or search the database list.   The description beneath each database title indicates the content and coverage of the database. 


A-Z List


Select databases by Subject

You can select your subject from the drop down Subjects menu to see a subset of resources in that category.

The subject listings will highlight the 'core resources'; these are key databases that are likely to be of interest to anyone studying and researching in that area.

Your Subject LibGuide will also highlight recommended databases for you to explore.


Select databases by Type

You can select a database type from the drop down Types menu to see a subset of resources in that category.

For example, you may want to focus on news or official publications etc

BBIH & International Medieval Bibliography

The Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) covers the history of British and Irish domestic history as well as the history of British and Irish relationships with the rest of the world, including the British Empire and Commonwealth.

The International Medieval Bibliography is a comprehensive index for Medieval Studies. It covers all subject relating to the Middle Ages from 400-1500 AD.

What is the Bibliography of British & Irish History? How can it help me?

How to search for what you need using the BBHI

The BBHI results page - what you'll see and what it means

EEBO - Early English Books Online

 EEBO is an excellent resource for primary research, containing full-texts of early printed books from the 16th and 17th centuries.

It has captured the earliest surviving edition of every English-language work published during the first two centuries of printing in England, and converted this material into fully-searchable texts. This means you can search/browse the materials by author and/or topic and theme in order to answer your research questions.

Watch this video to find out how to search EEBO effectively

Starting from the EEBO Home Screen select the Advanced Search option and complete the search form.


You can use the Look up Authors option to help you complete the search form.


The illustration below shows you how to Look for and select Shakespeare from the list

Once you have selected the author click Add to search to continue.

You can also enter your own search terms into a box without using the Look up feature.

In this example, add to your search by manually entering  richard third into the Document Title box

Click on Search once you have added all your search concepts.

You do not just have to search by author and/or title.

You could search by themes such as cunning, disguise, despair, intrigue etc. and discover how these themes appear in the literature across the database. You can add these to the keywords search box.

Once you have run your search you will see a list of matching search results.

If you retrieve too many results you can go back and Refine your search

You can also choose the most relevant results, by using the checkboxes and adding them to your Marked List.

You have a two different view display options either Full Text PDF or Image full text.

Not all formats are available for each item - they will vary between items.

You can adjust the image size if you wish to analyse it in greater detail


JSTOR is a valuable research resource for secondary resources.  You can use it to search and find the full text of published books and journal articles.

Use the How to Search JSTOR LibGuide for an introduction to the service, or take a look at JSTOR's Vimeo channel for instructional videos.

Top Tip: Use the Advanced search option if you want to focus your searching to a particular subject area.


You an enter a quick search into the quick search box on the JSTOR home page, for example:

anthropology and "human diversity"


Just click on an item to view it and explore it in more detail


You can refine your search results from the Refine Results options on the left of your search results.

You may want to refine your results if you find too many as a result of your initial search.

For example, you can search within results or limit by  content type (books or journals), date of publication or subject

The advanced search allows you to be more targeted with your research and apply limits/filters to your search before you begin.

For example, you can add multiple search terms, specify the proximity of your search terms and also select a discipline, e.g. Anthropology, so that you filter out material from other subject disciplines.


Web of Science

Web of Science is a large multidisciplinary research database covering all subject areas.

You can use it to discover the global literature on a wide range of topics.  It is not a full text database, but you can use it to discover published material and follow links through to discover the full text available on other services. For in depth guidance explore the Web of Science learning siteYouTube Videos or the Web of Science LibGuide.

Web of Science search image

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