Book Suggestion Scheme
If you would like a particular book purchased for the library, you can make a book suggestion. The Library has a digital first policy. If a book is available to purchase as an e-book, it will be purchased as an e-book wherever possible. This is to ensure maximum access to materials.
This scheme is open to all students and Professional Services staff and you can request up to 10 books per academic year.
Academic staff should order in the usual way from their departmental book budgets.
Check whether a copy is already available.
Library Search
Each Book Suggestion is reviewed by the library and if appropriate, a purchase is made.
Examples showing where a purchase may be appropriate:
Extra copies or an ebook version of an in demand print title
Examples showing where a purchase may not be appropriate:
Members of staff should submit book suggestions through their department in the usual way.
More details on how to do this, as well as how to request new journals, databases and other subscription resources are available on the Library Guide for Staff.
Professional Services book requests will be considered where they are required for continued professional development or to support your role.
Where a purchase is not appropriate, it may be possible to request it from another institution.
We can borrow books that are not part of Exeter University's collections from other libraries and make them available to you for a limited period of time
Check the Document Delivery Guide for more information and to see whether you College/Department provides funds to pay for document delivery requests.
If you have any questions about this service, contact your liaison librarian.
University of Exeter LibGuide is licensed under CC BY 4.0