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Psychology: DClin systematic literature searching: Home

This tutorial will guide you through the steps required to systematically search for literature for your service-related project and thesis.

The distinguishing features of systematic searching is that it is protocol driven, i.e. it has:

  • a clearly defined question that needs answering,
  • an exhaustive search strategy,
  • clear inclusion and exclusion criteria,
  • explicit and transparent methods that are accountable, replicable and updateable,  
  • and a clear logical rationale that is reported to the reader.

This tutorial will guide you through the steps required to systematically search for literature for your service-related project and thesis.

It will help you:

  • focus your question,
  • identify search terms,
  • define your inclusion / exclusion criteria,
  • identify appropriate databases to search,
  • consider grey literature sources,
  • and manage your search results.

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