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Electronic Resources Help: Usernames and Passwords

Online guidance and information about the Library's electronic resources

When are these needed?

Some of our resources require us to issue you with a special username and password to access them.

You will be required to login with your uni login and password to access the document below.

Access the List of Usernames and Passwords here. 

Acceptable Use

The  usernames and passwords accessed from this page are for use by University of Exeter staff and students ONLY. 

The details should not be passed on to anyone outside of the University.

Special Instructions

Some services also check the IP (network) address of the workstation, so some usernames may only work from University PC clusters and offices around the Exeter campuses, as well as PCs which dial in via the campus network.

A separate browser window is opened when any of the links to the datasets are selected, to allow for this document to be consulted alongside when logging into the resource. 

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