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Electronic Resources Help: Introduction to E-Resources

Online guidance and information about the Library's electronic resources

Logging in to resources

Login display box

Login via single sign on with email and password


University SSO login screen prompting for university email address

A small number of databases require a special username and password.  These details are available via the username and passwords page for registered users.

Getting Help

If you need help with any aspect of using the e-resources then:


Or telephone us on:  01392 723867

Hot Issues

If you want to know what is not working and when it might be fixed then please check the Hot Issues pages.

The University provides access to a wide variety of electronic resources to support your study and research.  Examples include:

books journals databases
maps statistics newspapers
theses company & market info images
law reports & statutes reference materials primary source archives

Accessing E-Resources

The best way to access library resources both print and online is via the main search box on the Library homepage.  This should allow you to access everything available to you, whether you are on or off campus.

If you would like to access a specific database you can search using its name on this search box or via the LibGuides A - Z Database list.

If you are accessing a resource site directly by searching the web e.g. JSTOR, ScienceDirect, and you are located off the main campus then you will probably need to login using your University email address and password to make sure you have access to all the resources available to you.

Use the How to Use Resources LibGuide for guidance on finding and using the electronic resources.

Who can use resources

Access to our electronic resources is determined by the legally binding contracts that we, as a University, sign when entering into an agreement with a publisher or provider. Most of our contracts have educational arrangements, agreed on a national basis with such bodies as Eduserv Chest and JISC.

As the sub-licensee, the University is generally permitted to grant access to currently registered students, 'faculty members' and employees of the University of Exeter.


The right to access e-resources ends when you finish your course. However University of Exeter alumni may register to access some (but not all online resources).  Find out more on our Alumni pages about what is available and how to register for access.

Members of the public/external borrowers

Find out about the 'walk-in' PC facilities in the Forum Library in Exeter.

Search Techniques

As the online resources hold vast amounts of data, it is important to search effectively so that you get the most from your online searching and are not overwhelmed by lots of irrelevant search results

Use the Search Techniques Libguide for hints and tips on planning and running effective online searches.

Contact Us or Give Feedback

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