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Modern Languages and Cultures Subject Guide: French

Help and guidance on finding resources in your subject area

Eiffel Tower - Paris - France  French Language and Literature resources

Key databases

Academic sources

Primary sources

Old books

 Newspaper databases (Current and archive collections)

Individual newspapers
Newspapers collections - search across multiple newspaper titles at once

   Click on the Using Factiva tab in the Key Databases section to find out how to search Factiva for French language news.

    Click on the Using Nexis tab to find out how to find French language newspapers.

To search for news results in the French language:

  • Click on News
  • In the By Language section, select French
  • Enter your keywords
  • Click on the Add option to add them to your search
  • Click on the Search icon

To find Nexis news articles from a particular newspaper:

  • In the Nexis homepage, start typing in the name of the newspaper e.g. el pais
  • A list of potential publications will appear.
  • Click on the newspaper title you want

  • The newspaper title will appear as a filter
  • Your search will now be restricted to results published in this newspaper

  • You can now enter your search terms to find the newspaper articles you need
  • You can save this as a favourite filter by clicking on the star

If you are looking for French language news, choose the Search option and change the language from English to French.

Screenshot from Factiva database

You can also refine your search to just show results relating to France or specific regions in France by clicking on the Region option and choosing France or one or the French regions from the list. And then clicking on the Blue triangle to add to your search.

French language learning websites

Search the library collections

Library Search

Newspaper websites

Video & Audio

Open access e-books

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