These databases allow you to quickly search across the global literature and identify publications in your research field.
These collections contain journal articles, books, conference proceedings, reports etc.
Full text archive of back issues of journals and e-books in all subject areas.
Newspapers (Current and archives)
A wide range of Modern Language newspapers can be accessed via Nexis UK.
To search for news results in the Italian language:
To find news articles from a particular newspaper:
Global news and business information service, includes full text access to major world newspapers and business titles.
If you are looking for Italian language news, choose the Search option and change the language from English to Italian.
Screenshot from Factiva database
You can also refine your search to just show results relating to Italy or specific regions in Italy by clicking on the Region option and choosing Italy or one or the Italian regions from the list. And then clicking on the blue triangle to add to your search.
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