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Library Staff Development: ARA

Highlighting development opportunities for library staff and news and views in UK Libraries and HE

Archives and Records Association (ARA) is the professional body for archivists, archive conservators and records managers in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

What does the ARA do?

  • It represents the interests of the record-keeping profession nationally in discussions with central and local government, with allied information professionals and with the archive user community.
  • It sets standards of professional conduct including maintaining a professional register.
  • It provides, monitors and develops training for present and future members of the profession.
  • It promotes the exchange of expertise and experience among its members.
  • It markets the skills of its members to potential employers.

ARA registration

The ARA Professional Development Programme is the pathway for members to achieve Foundation, Registered or Fellowship status with the ARA.

The Library will pay the enrolement and assessment fees for Archives and REcords Association foundation, registered and fellow status. 

You are entitled to two study days for the writing up stage of these accreditations. Please discuss this with your line mananger.

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