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Library Staff Development: Booking Events

Highlighting development opportunities for library staff and news and views in UK Libraries and HE

This page includes instructions and links to help with booking paid events, travel and accommodation. If you have any tips or information to add to this page please let the Development and Wellbeing group know so we can keep this page up to date to help everyone navigate this process.

Step-by-step guide to booking events, travel and accommodation.

These are the basic steps you need to follow when booking onto a conference or other event. Please let the Development and Wellbeing group know if you cannot access any of these links. 

  1. Let your line manager know you want to attend an event.
  2. If the event if free and there are no travel costs involved, great! Book your place with the event organiser.
  3. If the event is paid you add the payment to T1 as a 'Requisition'. This guide includes the Library Staff specific codes which you will need. 
  4. After adding your requisition to T1, book your place with the event organiser, quoting the order number you have just created in T1 and entering the Finance Service as the billing address
  5. If the organiser emails the invoice directly to you, ask them to forward to
  6. You no longer require a risk assessment for UK travel. 
  7. Email for the form to get access to Key Travel. Complete and return the form.
  8. Book your travel and accommodation through Key Travel.
  9. After the event, receipt your invoice in T1.

Penryn Panorama Photo

Penryn Panorama

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