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Medicine subject guide: Home

Subject Guide - help and guidance on finding resources in your subject area


Welcome to the Medicine Subject Guide

  This guide will help you make the most of the library and information resources and services.   


New to the University?  Explore the Getting Started with the Library guide to learn all about the Library basics. 

Exeter Library support

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Amy McEwan

Cornwall Library support

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Viki Clitheroe (Cornwall)

Where to start your search

Library Search

Library Search will help you discover books, journals, articles, audio visual material and more on your chosen topic. This is a good place to start when you are beginning to research a topic as you can draw on content from a variety of different sources.

For more in depth research in databases and archives, use the A-Z Databases List.

Resources spotlight

Henry Stewart talks resource

Henry Stewart Talks: Biomedical and Life Sciences Collection

Lecture, Seminar and Case study talks focusing on the latest research and developments in biomedical and life sciences.

Oxford Medicine online resource

Oxford Medical Handbooks

Digital platform hosting Oxford University Press' medical handbooks.

Using the Cochrane Library and NICE resources - Medicine [online tutorial]

Online tutorial - develop skills in searching for evidence using NICE and the Cochrane Library. Useful for SSUs and clinical placements.

Key resources

A quick start guide to using PubMed can be found here. For tips and advice from the Library, see our guide to Medline (PubMed).

Use the Databases A-Z List to access all the resources available to you.

You can browse by subject Medicine or search to find your required resource.

e-book focusing on clinical signs and symptoms and how they present on Black and Brown skin.

We now have full access to all of the content on Oxford Medicine online. You can access all of the Oxford Medical Handbooks online using your university login. 

Using the BMJ Best Practice Comorbidities tool

To access this resource there are a couple of additional steps. Watch the video below for a demonstration of how to log in and register to access ebooks and assessment activities.


Watch this video for a demonstration of how to search for literature on Medline (Ovid) using multi-field search

Using subject headings when searching Medline can help you find more relevant results and make your search more comprehensive. To learn how to carry out a searching using MeSH (medical subject headings) watch the below video.

Frequently asked questions - healthcare databases

Access Cochrane Interactive Learning

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