Getting Help
In addition to this Dissertation Guide there are lots of other guides which will help you make the best use of the library and all the resources available to you.
Your Politics & International Relations Subject Guide is a good place to look for guidance on the key research databases for your subject area.
You can use the drop down list to select from the full suite of LibGuides.
Additional subject guides that may be of interest include:
- History
If you would like to access materials that are not part of the Library's collections, there are a few options available to you:
Student Book Suggestion Scheme: Complete the online form to request that the Library purchase a book that we do not have. Student can submit up to five requests.
Ask your Library Champion: Library Champions act as student contacts for the Library in each department. They have access to a budget for purchasing new library resources. Contact your Library Champion to ask if they can order the material that you need.
Document Delivery: The university's document delivery service allows you to request books and articles from other institutions on interlibrary loan.
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