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Special Collections: University Archive

EUL UA/Post 1970s

  • Post 1970s Modern Records from central administration
  • 1970s-1980s; some 1990s records
  • Extent: 25 metres approx
  • Box listed [list available on request]

Photograph of students in the refectory, Devonshire House, 1980s. Named after Mary, Dowager Duchess of Devonshire - the first Chancellor of the University, the building provided space for student social activities. EUL UA/P/1b/6

Post 1970s records from central administration including:

  • Central Senate and Council minutes and papers 
  • Finance and committee papers 

Includes some earlier material such as:

  • Estate records
  • Adult Education Committee
  • Northcott Theatre Committee

Minutes relating to subjects:

  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Population Studies
  • Biometric and Community Medicine
  • Applied Sciences
  • Earth Sciences
  • Engineering Arts
  • Arts

Material relating to

  • Staff Clubs
  • Lazenby Committee
  • Institute of Cornish Studies
  • Chapel Committee
  • Halls Committee
  • Press cuttings.

The collection is box listed: more material is included on the list which is available on request.

Please note: most recent documents relating to the University are available online on the University of Exeter website, under the section ‘University Documents and Policies’

Post 1990 Modern Records, EUL UA/Post 1990

Post 1990 records are managed by the Modern Records Centre, Northcote House. The Modern Records Centre has responsibility for the following materials: Court, pension scheme, finance, investment, departmental, theses, degree awards, committees, and also materials in Northcote House: Gazettes, Annual Reports, calendars, financial statements, graduate lists, Clapp history, 1955 University of Exeter Act, card index of Senate, Court and Council minutes.

Music Department staff and students, 1990s. EUL UA/P/3g

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