If someone needs a book which you have out on loan, it can be recalled with the due date shortened and further auto-renewals will not be possible. You will always get to keep a book for at least 7 days from the date it was borrowed. Books can be recalled anytime, including during vacations. Please, check your emails every week!
If any of your books are recalled:
The recall system helps manage material that is in high demand and allows fair access to material for everyone. If you have any questions please contact us.
Our request system helps manage material which is in demand (e.g. needed by more than one person at the same time) or held at another campus library.
NB Requests can be made by Staff, Students and Associates only.
If you want to request a book that is already on loan or at another University of Exeter library you'll need to:
Check the status of your request
Log in to your Library account to check on your requests
University of Exeter LibGuide is licensed under CC BY 4.0