Exeter students
Auto-renewals from mid July 2023:
All Exeter loans made from 25 July 2023 are borrowed for one week but will renew automatically, one week at a time.. All loans are still subject to recall.
This means you can generally keep items for as long as you need them, but please do bring items back if they are recalled - someone else is waiting!
Loans made earlier in 2023 will retain their original due date until that is reached. They will then auto renew on a weekly basis.
You can check due dates online in "My Library account"
You cannot renew if the item:
If you need advice or help, please get in touch
Penryn students
Check your local library account here. All Penryn loans are borrowed for one week but will renew automatically, one week at a time, for a year. All loans are subject to recall.
This means you can generally keep items for as long as you need them, but please do bring items back if they are not renewed - someone else is waiting! Note that you will be charged a daily fine for late return of items requested by another user, and replacement costs for non-return of items.
Inter Library Loans borrowed at Penryn (eg from British Library):
can have a renewal requested here.
Inter Library Loans borrowed at Exeter (eg from British Library):
Request to renew Document Delivery items should be emailed to ill@exeter.ac.uk.
Requests to renew books borrowed via our Document Delivery service need to be sent on to the original lending library. If they agree, items may be renewed.
Extended period of consultation - If a book is required for extended consultation, please complete Student Book Suggestion or request purchase through your Library liaison officer.
University of Exeter LibGuide is licensed under CC BY 4.0