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Wellbeing & Leisure Collections: Exploring Devon

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Whiteboard with post it notes and arrow pointing downwards for suggestions


Explore Devon via App

We've curated a list of great places to visit, together with lots of handy travel information to help you explore Devon.   

Just click the pic to discover all our recommendations.


And you may be interested to learn more about Exeter through this self-guided tour of Exeter’s multi-cultural history.  It  aims to show you some of the hidden aspects of Exeter’s 2000-year history: the Romans, Saxons, Normans, Jews, ‘Aliens’, Africans, visitors and migrants who have enriched the city.


Annotated map of Exeter to accompany the: Another Point of View: Your Self Guided Tour through Exeter's Multi-Coloured History

Literary maps of Exeter & Devon

In 2024, Exeter celebrated its 5th anniversary as a UNESCO City of Literature. Take a look at these Literary Maps of Exeter & Devon to learn more about our literary heritage, find independent bookshops and discover the best reading spots.

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