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About alternative formats

The Library staff aim to ensure that students and staff can access information and resources in the most accessible way. Wherever possible, we purchase electronic resources because they can be manipulated and adjusted to suit specific user needs more readily. Unfortunately we are still only able to acquire some resources in a printed format. Electronic resources may also be unsuitable for individual Library users. We are therefore able to provide further help and tools if you have difficulty accessing information in print.

Alternative formats include audiobooks, braille, electronic and large print versions of standard text. Students and staff may convert files to alternate formats using SensusAccess platform.

If you have any problems, questions or need support, please contact the Student Wellbeing and Welfare team. You may also get in touch with library for support, we will help and liaise with Student Wellbeing and Welfare as needed.

Essential readings

Essential reading will be provided in accessible formats.  Screen readable PDFs and text files can be supplied in the following ways:

  • Converted files using SensusAccess
  • Downloaded from RNIB’s online BookShare
  • Requested directly from the publishers
  • Scanned in-house under S. 31. Of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988

Files are supplied via Sharepoint for your personal, non-commercial use to support your studies.

Providing content in a digital format

Module level support, specific requirement for resources in digital format

Academic staff, administrative staff or Wellbeing staff should send the module code and reading list through to and include a note that there is a requirement for digital format for resources. Modules must have an ELE (Exeter Learning Environment) page.

Library staff will:

Check The library will check the format of all reading list items which are available through the library. Where the library holds the content in digital format, no action needs to be taken, the student will be able to use the digital in various ways.  If students run into any problems downloading or using our digital content, they should contact the library.

Where the library only holds print format, library staff will purchase content as digital for the library collection using discipline book budget code.  This is in line with library digital first policy, and promotes the environment of inclusivity at our institution.

Where the content is only available to purchase in print format, library staff will take steps (in the following order) to ensure the student has access to the content in digital format:

Search RNIB

Search RNIB Book share platform for content, if it is available:

  • Find out the student’s name and student number
  • Create an RNIB Book share membership for this student and contact student with details and link to content
Search British Library If available, request digital format for individual use through British Library Document Supply service
Contact Publisher Contact publisher to obtain single use digital format, sending student an individual use link
Scan Scan material in house and making digital format available to single student

Specific title request (for a student who has a requirement for resources in digital format)

Where a student requires digital format for a specific title (not necessarily related to a specific module (e.g. to support a dissertation topic), we will follow the above steps with one difference.  The student should email the specific title details to and explain the requirement. This enquiry will be referred on quickly.

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