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Accessing and Using Study Spaces

Information on study space arrangements

Study Spaces Streatham Campus

Forum Library & Forum

Campus Map (Building 3 6G)

There are over 600 drop in study spaces over the three floors of the library as well as 200 study spaces outside the library in the Forum.

The Forum library has four bookable individual study pods on level -1 

The Library also has bookable Silent Study

3 Bookable Group Study Rooms available through Group Study Booking, there are 6 additional group tables in the Digital Maker Space available between  6:30pm and 08:00am for booking, and 12 drop in group study tables in the Laura Piper Room.

Amory Building

Campus Map 29 5H

Amory Building Study Centre has a variety of study space available, drop in individual and silent study spaces, and bookable group study rooms.

The Sanctuary

Campus Map 1 6G

Closed between 25/09/2023 - 11/10/2023 for International Student Clearance.

Institute of Arab & Islamic Studies

Campus Map 16 5E

Devonshire House

Campus Map 2 6G

Devonshire House contains two main study spaces, DH2 which is managed by the Student Guild, and The Loft which is managed by the University.


DH2 Study Space

DH2 study space is arranged around booths which run down each side of the room. There is also a kitchenette which has a microwave and kettles.


The Loft

The Loft has both individual study spaces and 14 bookable PC spaces

Peter Chalk

Campus Map 17 5F

The Peter Chalk Centre has over 100 drop in study spaces and a kitchen area.

Study Spaces St Luke's Campus

St Luke's (Haighton) Library

Campus Map 6

Open 7 days week, drop in spaces and bookable group study spaces.

Giraffe House

Campus Map 12

Open 7 days week, drop in spaces and bookable study spaces.


Cross Keys

Campus Map 3

Open M-F as a café . Opening Times.  

Open overnight and weekends by swipe card access only for University Staff, associates and Students.

Open 8.00 - 6.00 to visitors.



Building and link to campus map


Bank Holiday


Building: One, Business School 84 6I on map

La Touché cafe


Open M-F as a café. Opening Times

Cross Keys (St Luke’s campus) 3 on map

Ground floor & First floor


Open M-F as a café. Opening Times

*Devonshire House 2 6G on map

*Comida café, DH1 (ground floor)


*Open 7 days a week. M-F open as a café.  Opening Times

Devonshire House 2 6G on map

The Terrace café (first floor)


Open M-F as a café. Opening Times

Harrison 23 4H on map

Engine Room


Open M-F as a café. Opening Times

Peter Chalk 17 5F on map

Barisca Coffee Co café 


Open M-F as a café. Opening Times

Queens 11 7F on map

Café area


Open M-F as a café. Opening Times

Study Spaces Penryn Campus

Book a study space in the Library

The majority of study spaces in the libraries are open for drop-in use.

However, our group study rooms at Penryn Campus Library must be booked in advance. We also have a small amount of silent study spaces at both Penryn and Falmouth Campus Libraries that can be reserved.

Find out how to book a study space.

If you want to check study space availability across Penryn Campus ahead of your visit, you can always check the Free Space Checker,

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