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There's also a video tutorial available in addition to this LibGuide. You can also learn more about Kortext's advanced Groups feature in the appropriate tab.

Kortext Bookshelf

On your Kortext Bookshelf, you can see all the e-textbooks assigned to your modules, as well as any other Kortext e-textbooks you have ever accessed. If there aren't currently any assigned readings for your modules provided through Kortext, your bookshelf may be empty the first time you access it but e-textbooks will appear once you access them via reading lists or the library catalogue.

All titles are displayed in alphabetical order. From the bookshelf you can open the Kortext Reader and read the full text of an e-textbook by clicking any book cover. If you have read an e-textbook on a previous occasion, the reader will open the book to the page you were reading when you ended the previous session.

Across the bottom of some book covers, you may see a yellow banner saying that the book expires in a certain number of months. Your access to e-textbooks not assigned to a module you are studying ceases at the end of the current academic year, though they still appear on your bookshelf. The Filter icon toward the top-right of the screen enables you to hide any such expired e-textbooks. Note that previously accessed e-textbooks cannot be deleted from your bookshelf if they are no longer required.

Below each book cover (to the right of the title), there is a small menu button. By clicking the menu button, you can:

  • Export notes – send all Notes you have made in the e-textbook to any email address you choose.
  • Open – opens the selected e-textbook in the Kortext Reader. You can also click the book cover to open it.
  • Book information – this displays publication information about the e-textbook, useful for constructing your own citation.
  • Read offline – download a copy of the e-textbook for offline use. Remember to download the Kortext App first.
  • Export reference – export a reference file for citing the whole e-textbook if you use reference management software. Files are compatible with either Refworks or Endnote.

The search box across the top of the screen enables you to search your bookshelf by title and author. This is most useful if there are a very large number of e-textbooks present on your bookshelf. You can exit the search results by clicking My library in the purple column on the left-hand side of the screen.

Kortext Reader

The Kortext Reader interface is divided into the following four sections based on functionality:

Full Text View

This covers most of the reader interface, is where you can actually read the full text of the e-textbook, and where most of your learning activity takes place. From here you can also highlight, copy and add notes by selecting portions of the text with your cursor. When text is selected, a menu displaying the following options appears:

  • Highlight colours – a range of colours is displayed at the top of the menu with which you can highlight the selected text, as well remove highlighting from the selected text.
  • Create note/Edit note – indicated by a page with a plus sign in the centre, enables you to annotate the selected text. You also have the option to Highlight the selected text, share your note with your Groups, share to Microsoft OneNote, or send it to any email address. Any notes you create are saved in the Notes tab on the Navigation Toolbar. Editing notes via this menu is currently the only way to share notes with a group, and each note must be shared individually.
  • Copy text – indicated by a page with a shadow behind it, copies the selected text for pasting elsewhere later.
  • Export reference – indicated by quotation marks, allows you to export a reference file for citing the selected text if you use reference management software. Exported references are compatible with either Refworks or Endnote.
  • Search the web – indicated by a magnifying glass, searches the web for the selected text via your default search engine.

Page Toolbar

This runs across the bottom of the reader (boxed in blue in the screenshot) and allows you to move between e-textbook pages:

  • Bookmark – indicated by a bookmark on the left, saves the current page to the Bookmarks tab for later reference.
  • Page slider – covers most of the toolbar, dragging this back and forth allows you to move quickly through many pages.
  • Go to previous page and Go to next page arrows on the right allow you to move sequentially between pages.

In the lower-right of the toolbar, you can also enter a specific page number to view that page. These correspond to the page numbers actually printed on the page, and the digital page view within the e-textbook is indicated in brackets next to the entry field. If the page numbers do not match up and you are struggling to use an e-textbook, let us know and we will ask Kortext to fix this for you.

Navigation Toolbar

This runs down the left-hand side of the reader (boxed in green in the screenshot) and chiefly allows you to quickly jump to different sections of the e-textbook. Secondary functionality is also located here. Note that this toolbar may not be immediately visible on small screen resolutions, in which case it will move and replace the Fullscreen button on the Display Toolbar at the top of the reader.

In total, seven different tabs may be accessed from this toolbar:

  • Search the book – indicated by a magnifying glass, enables you to perform a keyword search of the full text. Ten results are displayed at a time. You can scroll through the results using the arrows below the search box if there are more than ten results.
  • Contents – indicated by three horizontal lines, enables you to jump to a pre-determined section of the e-textbook by clicking on the name of the section. Some sections can be expanded to display subsections by clicking the arrow next to the section name.
  • Notes – indicated by a pencil. Any notes you have made on the full text are saved here and you can return to their location within the full text by clicking on them. Notes are saved in page number order, not the order in which you created them. You can delete notes individually or send them in bulk to any email address. Notes can be shared individually with a Group by clicking each note to return to its location with the full text, then clicking the highlighted text to select the Edit note option in the resulting menu.
  • Bookmarks – indicated by a bookmark. Again, bookmarks you create are saved here so that you can return to their location within the full text by clicking on them. You can delete bookmarks individually. Bookmarks are saved in page number order.
  • Export reference – indicated by quotation marks, allows you to export a reference file for citing the whole e-textbook if you use reference management software. Files are compatible with either Refworks or Endnote.
  • Print – indicated by a printer. Move the sliders to select the range of pages you wish to print. You can print between 5% and 10% of the total pages of any e-textbook depending on the publisher. You are further limited to one-fifth of your printing allowance per study session to encourage paperless learning. If you try to exceed your printing allowance for the current study session, the sliders will automatically readjust to select the maximum range permitted by your latest start/end page selection.
  • Information – indicated by a lowercase letter i within a circle, displays publication information about the e-textbook you are reading, useful for constructing your own citation.

Display Toolbar

This runs across the top of the reader (boxed in red in the screenshot) and allows you to manipulate the appearance of the full text: 

  • Display options – indicated by a large and small capital letter T, which opens the following menu with the ability to reset your view below:
    • Typeface – enables you to change the font of the full text to something you may find easier to read
    • Scroll mode – enables you to alter what happens to the text when you scroll up or down through the book
    • Page width – enables you to change how much of a single page is displayed
    • Text size – enables you to increase or decrease the size of the font of the full text
    • Layout – allows you to chose whether a single page is displayed, or a double page spread as in a print book
    • Tone – enables you to adjust the page background tone which may make reading easier for you.
  • Fullscreen – indicated by a broken box. This opens the reader in full screen mode.

If these options aren't visible for the e-textbook you are reading you may be using a PDF. Note that PDF versions of e-textbooks have less functionality than others – page background tone and text font cannot be altered for example. You will see the following buttons in the display toolbar:

  • Fit page to screen – indicated by vertical arrows.
  • Fit page width to screen – indicated by horizontal arrows.
  • Zoom out – indicated by a magnifying glass with a minus sign in the lens.
  • Zoom in – indicated by a magnifying glass with a plus sign in the lens.
  • Fullscreen – indicated by a broken box. This opens the reader in full screen mode.

In the top left-hand corner of this toolbar there is also a Return button (indicated by a left-facing arrow next to the e-textbook title) that closes the current e-textbook and returns you to your Kortext Bookshelf.

There's also a video tutorial available in addition to this LibGuide. The Kortext App is a great way to study on the go or offline using Kortext e-textbooks. The key benefit of the app is that any notes, highlighting, or bookmarks you create automatically sync across devices, between PCs and devices. However, advanced functionality (such as printing, and the ability to manage and share notes with Groups) is not currently available in the app.

Kortext Bookshelf

On the home screen of the Kortext App, you can see all the e-textbooks assigned to your modules, as well as any other Kortext e-textbooks you have ever accessed. If there aren't currently any assigned readings for your modules provided through Kortext, the app home screen may be empty the first time you access it but e-textbooks will appear once you access them via reading lists or the library catalogue. E-textbooks are displayed in the order in which you have read or downloaded them, the most recent being at the top of the your bookshelf.

From this screen you can launch the Kortext Reader and read the full text of an e-textbook by tapping any book cover. If you have not previously downloaded that e-textbook to your device, the app will first prompt you to do so. A purple download symbol and file size to the right of each e-textbook title indicates that it is not downloaded. If you have read an e-textbook in the app previously, the download symbol will not be displayed, and tapping the title will open the e-textbook to the page you were reading when you ended the previous session.

Between study sessions within the app, you might access other Kortext e-textbooks in a web browser on your PC. These titles will not initially be displayed when you reopen the app. To display new titles, drag your bookshelf down from the top of the screen, and this will force the app to reload and any new titles will then appear at the top of your bookshelf.

To the right of each e-textbook title, there is a small menu button. By tapping the menu button, you will see the following options:

  • Book information – this displays publication information about the e-textbook, useful for constructing your own citation.
  • Remove from device – this deletes a downloaded e-textbook from your device. If you tap this option on an e-textbook which is not currently downloaded to your device, the e-textbook in question will simply move to the top of your bookshelf.

The search box across the top of the screen enables you to search your bookshelf by title and author. This is only really useful if there are a very large number of e-textbooks present on your bookshelf. You can exit the search results by tapping the cross sign that will appear on the right-hand side of the search box.

Kortext Reader

The Kortext Reader interface is divided into the following three sections based on functionality:

Full Text View

                            This covers most of the reader interface, is where you can actually read the full text of the e-textbook, and where most of your learning activity will take place. You can sequentially move between pages by tapping the left- and right-hand sides of the screen, and you can show or hide the toolbars by tapping the top-centre of the screen. You can also highlight, copy and add notes by selecting portions of the text with your fingers. When text is selected, a menu displaying the following options appears:

  • Highlight colours – a range of colours is displayed at the top of the menu with which you can highlight the selected text, as well as the option to remove highlighting from the selected text.
  • Create note/Edit note – indicated by a page with a plus sign in the centre, enables you to annotate the selected text. You also have the option to Highlight the selected text, send your note to any email address, or share to Microsoft OneNote or Facebook. Any notes you create are also saved in the Notes tab for later reference. Notes cannot currently be shared with Groups from within the Kortext App.
  • Cite text – indicated by a clipboard, generates a citation of the selected text in either Harvard or APA formats that you can then copy and paste elsewhere.
  • Read aloud – indicated by a silhouette and waves, reads the selected text aloud via your device's speaker.
  • Copy text – indicated by a page with a shadow behind it, copies the selected text for pasting elsewhere later.
  • Search the web – indicated by a magnifying glass, searches the web for the selected text via your default search engine.

Page Toolbar

This runs across the bottom of the reader (boxed in blue in the screenshot) and allows you to move between pages:

  • Bookmark – indicated by a bookmark on the left, saves the current page for later reference.
  • Page slider – covers most of the toolbar, dragging this back and forth allows you to move quickly through many pages.

At the bottom of the toolbar (below the slider), you can also enter a specific page number to view that page by tapping the underlined number. This corresponds to the page numbers actually printed on the page, and the digital page view within the e-textbook is indicated in brackets next to the entry field. If the page numbers do not match up and you are struggling to use an e-textbook, let us know and we will ask Kortext to fix this for you.

Display and Navigation Toolbar

                            This runs across the top of the reader (boxed in red in the screenshot) and allows you to change the appearance of the full text as well as navigate through it. Note that this combines the Display Toolbar and Navigation Toolbar of the web-based Kortext Reader. The following buttons are located in this combined toolbar:

  • Search the book – indicated by a magnifying glass, enables you to perform a keyword search of the full text. Results are displayed in page number order in a continuous list. You can exit the search results by tapping the cross sign that will appear on the right-hand side of the search box.
  • Textbook – indicated by three horizontal lines, enables you to jump to pre-determined sections of the e-textbook. This is essentially a truncated version of the Textbook Toolbar from the web-based reader, and is where you will find the powerful Contents (TOC), Bookmarks, and Notes features to aid navigation through the e-textbook.
  • Display options – indicated by a large and small capital letter T, enables you to manipulate the appearance of the full text. Again, this is a truncated version of the same menu available in the web-based reader. In the app, you are able to:
    • Zoom in and out of a single page;
    • Fit the page height to device's screen size; and
    • Adjust the page background Tone. Unlike the web-based reader, this option is always available.
  • Settings – indicated by three vertical dots. Secondary functionality is located here. Some of this is still in development, however you should try the Read Aloud feature which is located here.

In the top left-hand corner of this toolbar there is also a Return button (indicated by a left-facing arrow next to the e-textbook title) that closes the current e-textbook and returns you to your bookshelf.

Kortext's Groups functionality is a fantastic way to encourage collaborative learning. This is intended to be used by both students and tutors alike, and allows you to share your Notes on the full text of any e-textbook with others. Students can share notes to collaborate with and support their peers, whilst tutors can annotate crucial passages and quickly disseminate this to their students.

In the purple column on the left-hand side of your Kortext Bookshelf, you will see a Groups button which allows to access the Groups interface. You can invite other Kortext users to join a group individually using their email address, or add all students studying on a module in bulk by selecting the desired module code. Either way, the nominated Kortext users will then receive an email invitation to join the group. If an individual has not yet registered to use Kortext you will be unable to add them to a group, and personal email addresses should not be used to add others to a group regardless of the recipient's preferences.

You can assign another Kortext users to a group as either an Observer, Member, Moderator, or Group Leader with varying degrees of control over group activity and communications. You can also create multiple overlapping groups, so that you can share some notes with all the students studying a given module, or a subset of students such as a seminar group, or just your friends.

Notes can be shared with groups from within the Kortext Reader (see below). In the Groups interface of the Bookshelf, notes are displayed in the order they were created, grouped by e-textbook title which may be collapsed. Clicking any note returns you to its location within the full text of the associated e-textbook. Although notes have a date and timestamp, they are all anonymous.

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