Get in touch for help and advice on making the most of your library resources, or to book a 1:1 appointment with your Librarian.
Select your subject from the drop down menu to find your librarian.
For more information about your Library Liaison Teams, click here.
A way to borrow e-books and audiobooks! Read or listen via the Libby app or on our OverDrive website.
You can:
See the Libby tab for more information on setting up your account - it's very simple!
Where available, links to OverDrive e-books and/or audiobooks will appear on your reading list, e.g.
All OverDrive e-books and most audiobooks are also discoverable via Library Search.
1. Download the Libby app from Google Play or the AppStore.
2. Set up your library by opening the Libby app and following the steps:
Do you have a library card? Click on Yes | |
Click on Search For A Library | |
Type Exeter and find University of Exeter in the list. | |
Sign in with your email address and password, as you would for your email account. | |
You are now ready to borrow! |
3. Browse or search for books and audiobooks:
From the homepage you can see newly added titles, audiobooks, and special curated lists relating to different topics, which will change throughout the year. You can also run a search across the collection.
Borrowed titles appear on your Shelf and download to the app automatically.
4. Finding and tagging titles not available in your library
5. Read your books:
On your Shelf , tap loans at the top of the screen. From there, you can:
Open In Libby to start reading or listening in the app.
Manage Loan to see options like Renew and Return.
There is more guidance available here:
Multiple Libby accounts
If you already use Libby to borrow e-books and audiobooks from the public library, you can easily add another library card, and switch between collections. Find out more about adding library cards.
if you prefer to use your web browser to find and read titles, then you can use the OverDrive website or Libby website.
To search for books and borrow items you need to sign in to Overdrive using your University email address and password.
Click on your account or the bookshelf icon to view your loans, holds, and borrowing history.
Alternatively, you can do this in the Libby app.
University of Exeter LibGuide is licensed under CC BY 4.0