As an Exeter student or staff member, you have free access to millions of e-book titles; these now vastly outnumber our print books! E-books offer significant advantages over traditional print books and overcome their various limitations:
To create such a large and comprehensive e-book collection, Library staff have sourced e-book titles from over 50 different publishers and platforms, each offering a slightly different experience. Some platforms allow you to download the full text but other e-books can only be read online. E-books we know will be popular are purchased outright but others are rented until we are sure they will be well used. Some e-books closely replicate the experience of reading a print book whilst others exploit digital technology to provide a cutting-edge learning experience. No two e-book platforms are ever the same, so it's a good idea to take some time to learn what each platform can offer.
Divine Images: The Life and Work of William Blake
via Ebook Central
A Course in Behavioral Economics
via Kortext
The Bloomsbury Companion to Stanley Kubrick
via Bloomsbury Collections
The Brill Dictionary of Gregory of Nyssa
via Brill Online
Green Fiscal Reform for a Sustainable Future
via Elgar Online
Poetry and Politics in the English Renaissance
via Oxford Scholarship
The SAGE Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology
via SAGE Knowledge
The Bioarchaeology of Metabolic Bone Disease
via ScienceDirect
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