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English: which resources do I use?

Unsure which library resources to use for your English module or piece of research? This guide will point you in the right direction.



To find material from the 18th century, try searching the resources below:

For help using these resources, see the guides on this page.

Other resources include:

ProQuest One Literature/Literature Online: search by literary period or movement

When searching ProQuest One Literature, you can refine your search by literary period.

Click on Advanced Search and choose Primary Texts on the left side of the page.

Click on Look up Literary Periods.

Either search for Eighteenth Century or browse alphabetically and select Eighteenth Century, 1700-1799 and add to search.

You can add additional keywords and author details if you like, or just click Search to see everything under this category in the database.

Alternatively you could search by literary movement, if applicable, e.g. Gothic novel (1764-c1820) or Romanticism (1780-1837). Click on Look up literary movement to select from a list.

ECCO - Eighteenth Century Collections Online

Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) contains over 180,000 titles printed between 1701 and 1800.

ECCO is a digitization of the eighteenth-century section of the works catalogued in the English Short-title Catalogue (ESTC).

Within ECCO you can find a wide variety of documents including encylopedia, dictionaries, poetry, novels, histories, biographies, plays, tracts and sermons, letters, journals, diaries, religious books, works of science, philosophy and theology, schoolbooks, petitions and more.

Perform a basic search using the search box on the homepage.

The keywords you enter will be searched for within the text of the items in the collection, and in the subject tags that have been applied to them.

You will likely want to refine and filter your results after this initial search. You can do this from the search results page, or go to the Advanced Search to refine your search from the start.



For more information, see Gale's help guide.


In the advanced search you can search for multiple keywords. Use the different lines to combine your keywords.

Additionally, you can choose the field in which your terms are searched. This defaults to Keyword, but you can choose other fields such as Entire document, Title, Author, Publisher, Subject and so on. 

Further options underneath the search boxes allow you to refine by publication date and language.



Select the Allow variations box to include variations in 18th century spelling and letter forms.

For more information, see Gale's help guide.

Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases. The search engine will look for the words within the quotation marks, in that order.

E.g. A search for women's rights will consider each term separately - it will find documents with both words, but not necessarily together.

 "women's rights" will find documents with women's and rights next to each other in that order.

This technique can be used to find terms within a set distance of each other.

You can use the Nn 'Near' operator to do this. 

For example:

women's n5 rights will find documents that contain both the terms within five or fewer words of each other.

Look up a particular author using the Browse Author list.

Click on the title of one of your results to see more information and read the text.

The panel on the left offers options to enable you to work with your search results.


Choose View options to switch between Image, Both Text and Image, or Text Only. The Text and Image option will allow you to see the original alongside the transcribed text.

View full citation will give you more details about the document, such as publication date, type, length, publication location, title and author, and where the original has been sourced from.

Explore will link you to documents in related subject areas.


View Gale's help guide for further information on using ECCO.

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