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Decolonising your reading list

Sector Activity

There is growing discussion of decolonising the geography curriculum. The following resources reflect some of activity that has taken place across the sector. 

Online debates

The website is run by the Decolonising Geography Educators Group who are looking at ways to decolonise the curriculum. The resources contribute to developing curricula that challenge ‘universal truths’ and ‘objective knowledge’ in Geography by offering: pedagogical techniques to empower students to co-create knowledge and build critical geographies; a space for critical reflection on the content we teach in geography education; and practical teaching resources.

Blog by Dr Judith Krauss, Lecturer in Development Pedagogy, Global Development Institute on decolonising development. 

The Decolonial Atlas is a growing collection of maps which, in some way, help us to challenge our relationships with the land, people, and state. It’s based on the premise that cartography is not as objective as we’re made to believe. The orientation of a map, its projection, the presence of political borders, which features are included or excluded, and the language used to label a map are all subject to the map-maker’s bias – whether deliberate or not. 

RGS-IBG resources

Following the 2017 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference focusing on the theme ‘Decolonising geographical knowledges: opening geography out to the world’. A series of articles on the theme were published in the RGS-IBG journals Transactions and Area.

Transactions - Volume 42, Issue 3 2017

Transactions is an international journal publishing research on all aspects of geographical research.

This issue is devoted to discussions on decolonising geographical knowledge. Articles include: 

  • Decolonising geographical knowledges 
  • Mainstreaming geography's decolonial imperative 
  • From where we stand: unsettling geographical knowledge in the classroom
  • Decolonial theory in a time of the re-colonisation of UK research
  • Decolonialism 

Access the issue - Transactions Vol. 42(3) 

Area - Volume 49, Issue 3 2017

Area is an international journal publishing research that shapes key debated within and beyond the discipline of geography. 

This special section focuses on decolonising geographical knowledge in a colonised and Re-colonising postcolonial world. Articles include: 

  • Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) student and staff in contemporary British Geography
  • A day in the life of a Geographer: 'lone', black, female
  • Decolonising geographical knowledges: the incommensurable, the university and democracy
  • 'Free, decolonised education': a lesson from the South African student struggle 

Access the issue - Area Vol. 49(3) 

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