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Communism news archives
Communist Historical Newspaper Collection‎This link opens in a new windowFully searchable archive of key U.S. Communist historical newspapers including the Daily Worker, Daily World, Ohio Socialist, The Toiler, The Worker and more. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1917-2013
Guangming Ribao Digital ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowContains the archive of the newspaper from 1949-2010. Originally representing the eight minority 'democratic' parties, it became a mainstream party publication after 1958. Specialises in science, technology, education and culture. Also covers international news from a Chinese perspective. Text in Chinese.
Leftist Newspapers and PeriodicalsThis link opens in a new windowArchive of over 153 newspapers and periodicals focusing on Communist, Socialist and Marxist thought, theory and practice. Mainly U.S. content as well as a significant number of UK titles. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1845-2015
Pravda ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull text archive of Pravda, the official voice of Soviet communism and the Central Committee of the Communist Party from 1918 - 1991. Russian language.
Izvestiia Digital ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowIzvestiia was the official daily newspaper of the Soviet government from 1917 until the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, when Izvestiia became an independent publication. The archive covers content from 1917-2017. A Cyrillic virtual keyboard, supports the ability to search in transliteration.
Krokodil Digital ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowLong-standing USSR satirical journal published between 1922 - 2008. Featuring a wide range of political opinions and commentary on Soviet bureaucracy and excessive centralized control, religion, US foreign and domestic policy, Western political leaders and events, and more.